Chapter 8: Another Mission

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I kept trying to get my body to move, but the damn drug was preventing me to do so. It's too late, anyway. We're already at the hideout. Orochimaru opened the entrance to his hideout and I cursed under my breath as we entered.

Kabuto continued to carry me until we reached a room. It was huge and it looked like a training room. Is it a training room? I saw something within the shadows. Is it a statue? Nope, it was a person. I glanced at Kabuto as he gently placed me down on the floor.

"Nue, I have a little present for you," Orochimaru said he kneeled down by my head.

I grunted slightly, trying to say something. "Look. Over there. Do you see anything that interests you? Anything you'd like to kill," Orochimaru sat on his knees and gently placed my head on his lap. "Do you see anyone you'd like to kill, Nue?" He asked with a smirk.

He lifted my head slightly so I could get a better view of the room. I averted my gaze to the person hidden in the shadows. "You're late, Orochimaru." The figure spoke. I frowned, recognizing the voice immediately; Sasuke Uchiha.

"My apologies, Sasuke. I had to pick up a little errand." Orochimaru said. Fuck you, Orochimaru. He laid my head back on the ground and stood up. I started to get a little feeling back in my right arm. I moved my eyes to the side and saw that Kabuto had placed my katana only a few centimeters away.

Totally a bad move, Kabuto. Probably the worst mistake of your life. I slowly began to reach for it. "You brought that "thing" here? Why? What do you need her for?" Sasuke demanded. Did he really just refer to me as a 'thing'? Oh, now he's really gonna get it.

Once I had the katana in my hand, I shakily tried to close my fingers around the handle. I'm surprised these idiots haven't noticed my movements. "Nue is more than just a thing, Sasuke. She holds more power than all the tailed beasts combined." Kabuto corrected him.

I blinked when I felt something inside me vanish. The effects wore off! Activating my kekkei genkai, I found my strength and got off the ground, charging at Sasuke with my katana. "Sasuke!!" I shouted, angrily as I ran at him.

I jumped up in the air and prepared to bring my katana down on his head until Sasuke vanished out of the way. I felt a kick get delivered to my back, sending me towards a wall, crashing into it. Using the wall for support, I shakily lifted myself off the ground and glared at him.

"You're gonna pay for that." I growled as I gripped the handle of the katana in my hand. I'll admit, he's strong and his speed is excellent. But I doubt he's strong enough to keep up with me. "Now, now. Don't fight now, Nue. You'll have to save your strength." Orochimaru said.

I gasped when Sasuke was quickly in front of me and he grabbed my throat. My hands immediately went to his wrist as he began to choke me. "Don't kill her, Sasuke." Kabuto said. I choked out as he squeezed my throat tighter.

Finally, he let go of me, letting me drop to the ground. I coughed as I held my throat. "You bastard." I coughed as I glared up at him. Sasuke frowned and kicked me in the face, making me fall on my side. I quickly made my Raging Fang and grabbed Sasuke's ankle, electrocuting him.

He flew back from the force and hit a wall, making a small crater. I smirked when he hit the wall. "That's enough of that," Kabuto was quickly in front of me as he grabbed my wrist and yanked me up from the ground before sticking the needle of a syringe in my neck.

I gritted my teeth when I felt the unknown liquid go into my veins. When the syringe was empty, Kabuto took the needle out of my neck. I tried to kick Kabuto away as I was a couple inches off the ground. Plus, he was taller than me.

"Just get some sleep, Nue." He said as my vision was already beginning to blur. "Nue, return to base now." Pein said through the holographic communication. "Leader-sama... I think I might be... a little... delayed getting there..." I said, groggily.

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