Chapter 41: Saving Naruto

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It's been a few days since I've been imprisoned. I made sure I behaved and didn't cause any trouble. Ever since Naruto gave me the necklace Iri gave me, I've never taken it off since. Ibiki kept taking me out of my cell, asking me if I knew any more things about Akatsuki.

We spent about fifteen minutes asking and answering questions. "Are you sure there's nothing else you wanna tell me?" Ibiki asked.

"Someone else is pulling the strings behind Akatsuki. It was the person I mentioned before. Once again, I fail to remember his real name. Also, Sasuke has made a group of his own who were subordinates of Orochimaru. Now, they have joined Akatsuki. But I'm not sure if they're still part of Akatsuki since the organization is no more." I explained.

"Is that all?" Ibiki asked.

"Yeah." I answered. After asking a few more questions, I was taken back to my cell. I stayed in a cell, trying to be good. Okay, that's not entirely true. Sometimes when I've gotten bored, I snuck out of cell to take a small walk.

But I've always returned to my cell before a guard came to check on me. So, in a way, I've still been good. I mean, I haven't left the prison... yet.

"Nue Houjuu," I had my knees pulled to my chest as I laid against the wall with my face hiding in my knees. I lifted my head a little when I heard my name being called. "You have a visitor." The guard said. I looked over at him as Maria stood by his side.

"Hi, Maria." I greeted. "It's good to see you again, Nue-sama." She greeted. I sat in front of the cell as Maria sat on her knees. "How have you been, Nue-sama?" She asked. "Oh, you know. Hanging in there. But it's super boring here." I mentioned.

"It's a prison, Nue-sama. I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to be for your entertainment." She stated. "I know. But the least they can do is put up a dartboard or something." I complained before sinking down to lie down on my stomach.

"Nue-sama! Are you all right?" Maria asked, worried. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just dying of boredom right now." I replied in a lazy voice. My wings moved when I felt something off. "Something doesn't feel right." I murmured to myself.

"Naruto's in trouble! You have to help him!" Eun said from inside my head. "How do you know that?" I mumbled to her. "No time! Just go! Hurry!" She said, desperately. This sounds pretty urgent for me to escape the prison. 

I sighed and sat up, looking at Maria. "Is something the matter, Nue-sama?" She asked. "Yes, something is wrong. Man, Ibiki's gonna kill me for this. Maria, tell that Ibiki I'm sorry." I said to her.

"For what, My Lady?"

"For this."

I dashed through the bars of the cell, doing a cartwheel, then ran off. "My Lady! Where are you going?" Maria called. I didn't respond as I ran faster. "Nue Houjuu! Get back in your cell!" A guard ordered me as he stood in my path.

"Sorry, can't do that!" As I ran towards him, he went to throw a punch at me until I grabbed his fist. "Nothing personal." I said, quickly, before punching him in the face. He landed on his back with a grunt and I ran past him.

Once I exited the prison, I ran towards the village. I sensed Naruto's chakra close by, so I ran faster. When I found him, I saw a girl on top of him, punching the hell out of him. My anger instantly boiled as my hands clenched into tight fists.

"Stop..." I growled as I watched them. "Stop it..." My fists clenched tighter as my nails dug into my skin, blood dripping from my palms to the ground. "I... said... STOP!!!" I yelled. I ran forward in full speed, faster before the naked eye could see me even move.

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