Chapter 42: Time in Prison

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I yawned as I placed my hands behind my head while I walked back to the prison. "Cut me some slack, Ibiki. I only left my cell because Naruto was in trouble. But on the bright side, I made my first prison break. Or is it my second because I stepped out the cell when Naruto and friends came to visit?" I said to myself as my eyes were closed.

I opened my left eye and glanced at a building as I saw an ANBU Black Op spying on me. "Sheesh, they can't even trust me to walk back to my cell. Then again, I am a criminal and I am serving my six-month sentence." I said.

Once I was back in my cell, I sat down against a wall and yawned, closing my eyes. "Nue."

"I'm back in my cell. You don't have to worry anymore, Mr. Paranoid." I said to, who I'm assuming, is Ibiki. "This isn't the time for jokes, Nue." I opened my eyes and looked to my side as something was emerging from the ground.

"The hell?" I muttered. I gasped as Zetsu popped his head out from beneath the ground. "Zetsu?!" I quickly covered my mouth with both hands as a guard walked past my cell. "What are you doing here?" I whispered.

"We're breaking you out of course. We're taking you back to Akatsuki. Now, come on. We don't have much time." Black Zetsu said.

"I'm not going back there." I said. "Come on, Nue. We don't have time for your stubbornness. We have to go. Now." I said. "Are you deaf or something? I said, I'm not going back there." I repeated. "Why not?" White Zetsu asked. "Tobi's just using me." I said.

"Tobi wouldn't do that to you." He said. "Then, why does he need me? There's no need for me to get my revenge on Orochimaru since he's dead, Pein is dead, and Konan's left the Akatsuki. All that leaves is you, Tobi, Kisame, and that stupid Team Taka. There's no point in staying there when there's nothing left to do. It's over, Zetsu. Akatsuki is dead. The goal for peace and world domination is crushed. So, just leave me be,"

I lied down on the floor as my back was facing him. "This is where I belong now. This is my home." I said before closing my eyes. I heard Zetsu sigh. "Okay. If that's what you want." White Zetsu said before sinking into the ground. I sighed, relived that he left, and fell asleep.

Tobi's POV

"It's almost time." I said to myself. "We're back." Zetsu said as he appeared from the ground. I glanced back and noticed Nue wasn't with him. "Where's Nue?" I demanded. "In prison. We tried getting her out, but she refused to come with us. She says that you're using her." White Zetsu said.

"Damn." I cursed under my breath. "What do we do now?" He asked. "Let me deal with Nue. Just stick to the plan." I reminded him. "What do you plan on doing?" White Zetsu asked. "I'm gonna get her out of that prison." I answered.

"But how? She won't listen to reason. Now that she's back where she belongs, she's determined to stay there." Black Zetsu said. "Like I said, I'll take care of her. Now proceed with the plan." I ordered. "Sure."

He went back into the ground and I turned my head so I was looking at the view in front of me. "I'm not letting you get away, Nue. You think you can just leave Akatsuki? Think again. I'm not going to let you spoil my plan after I've come this far."

Nue's POV

I slept until it was time to eat. "Your dinner." A guard said, sliding the tray of food beneath the cell bars. I sat up, sleepily and rubbed my eye as I looked down at the food. It was the same as yesterday; rice with a cup of water.

I picked up the spoon and began eating my rice. When I was done with my meal, I set it near the cell door, in which the guard came and took it away. After he left, I got on the ground and began to doing push-ups. I did about 50 push-ups, then moved onto sit-ups.

"Hey, Nue." Eun spoke. "What is it?" I asked as I did sit-ups. I bet you can't do 50 push-ups with one hand." Eun challenged. "You're on." I replied with a smirk. I got in a push-up position and began doing push-ups singlehandedly.

"Tch. Show-off." Eun mumbled. I smirked and continued to singlehandedly do push-ups. When I was done, I fell asleep, dreaming of Jiraiya and Iri.

"Nue Houjuu, wake up." I slowly opened my eyes and sat up as a guard was by my cell. He opened the door as he stood there. "You have fifteen minutes. Go." He said. "Is it that late already?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.

Around this time, the guards grant me fifteen minutes of being in the courtyard. Because I was the only one awake at this hour, it was just me in the courtyard. "Don't get any funny ideas." The guard said. "Aye, aye, Captain." I replied in a bored tone.

I walked around the courtyard as the guard watched me. All I really did was sit down, walk around for a bit, stare at the sky, and walk around some more. I held out the back of my hand as a crow landed on it.

"Itachi..." I whispered, sadly. A single tear escaped my eye as I gently pressed the crow's head against my cheek. "I miss you... very much." I whispered. I let the crow fly off, flying into the starry sky. After my time was up, the guard walked back to my cell.

"Hey, can I take a shower? I really smell." I said. "Fine." He replied. He took me to the showers and I began to strip out of my clothes. "Are you going to watch me while I wash myself?" I asked the guard in a blunt tone. "Huh? Oh, right! Sorry!" He said, leaving the room.

I rolled my eyes. "Men." I mumbled. I washed my hair and body as I noticed dirt going down the drain. "I know I smelled bad, but I didn't think I was dirty." I said to myself, and continued to wash my body.

When I was done, I created a flame in my hand and use it to dry my body off, being careful not to burn myself. Once I was dry, I got dressed in my prison clothes and informed the guard I was done. I followed him back to my cell as he led the way.

"How come you didn't cuff me?" I asked the guard. "What?" He asked, glancing back at me. "Why didn't you cuff me? At this moment, I could escape any time. Who knows? I could even kill you." I mentioned. "So, why don't you do it now?" He challenged.

"Well... because it wouldn't be fair." I answered, calmly. "Fair?" The guard repeated. "To kill someone while their back is turned seems tacky, and too old school. It's also not my kind of style. Well, not anymore, anyway." I explained.

"So, why'd you bring it up?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "I was just making small talk." I admitted. I saw him sweat drop. "You're weird." He mentioned. I giggled slightly. "I know." I confirmed. When we got to my cell, I walked inside and he closed the door behind me before walking away.

I watched him go until he disappeared behind the corner. "It's amazing how they can stay awake at this hour." I said to myself. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe they switch shifts. I wonder what I could do until morning?

I guess I could sing a song, but what song should I sing? I know over a dozen songs, and it's so hard to choose from. "Mmh!" A hand covered my mouth from behind, pulling me away from the cell door. Whoever had me twisted my arm behind my back with their freee hand.

"Did you really think I'd let you get away? That I wouldn't find you?" My eyes widened when I recognized the voice. I struggled to get out of Tobi's hold, but to no avail. "Stop struggling or this'll be harder for you, Nue." He said in his dark tone.

"What do you want?" I said through his hand, but I doubt he could hear me since my words were muffled. "Let's go. We're going home." Tobi said. And just like that, I was kidnapped.

3rd Person's POV

As a guard was on patrol, he walked past each cell, making sure the prisoners are in their cell. He walked past Nue's cell as it was empty.  When he noticed, he went back over to her cell and looked around. "Nue Houjuu's escape!" He informed his fellow guards.

"Find her! Don't allow her to leave the village!"

"Quickly! Find her!"

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