Chapter 39: Home

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Naruto stretched, then looked at me. "Let's go home, Nue-chan." He said. "In a second." I replied. I took off my cloak, holding it in my hand. "Goodbye... Akatsuki." I mumbled before burning the cloak in my hand.

Underneath my cloak, I was wearing a black jacket with a black tank top under it and black shorts with a snake keychain attached to the waist. Once my cloak had turned into ash, I took off the ring I had from Akatsuki, dropping it to the ground.

It was actually Orochimaru's ring. Yeah, this wasn't the only thing I stole from that snake's hideout when I was on that mission with Kisame. I looked back at Naruto with a smile. "Let's go home." I said with a smile.

Naruto smiled back before nodding in agreement. The two of us began to jog back to the Leaf Village. After a while of jogging, Naruto was beginning to look a little tired. "Are you okay?" I asked, looking back at him while walking ahead of him.

Naruto panted softly before speaking. "Yeah, I'm just a bit..." He trailed off as he was about to collapse. "Naruto!" I quickly caught him before he could hit the ground. "You're not all right at all. You're exhausted." I noticed.

I picked him up, carrying him bridal style. "Nue-chan... Why are you carrying me like this?" He asked. I gave a small giggle. "Would you rather have my wings and tails cut you? Besides, it's easier this way." I said.

"Yeah, but... it's a little embarrassing." Naruto mentioned, but he was too tired to say anything else. I gave a smile as I carried him to the village. "Hey, Naruto..." I said, in which he hummed in response. "Thanks for not giving up on me." I thanked him.

"Like... I would ever give up on my best friend." He replied. I smiled at him again. When we got back to the village, I decided to inform Naruto. "Naruto, we're here." I set him on his feet as the villagers ran toward him, welcoming him back.

I smiled while taking a few steps back. People started cheering for him while kids tugged on him. "Yes... Well done, Naruto." I said to him. Naruto looked back at me with a smile until it faded. "Nue-chan, where are you going?" He asked as I started to walk backwards.

I smiled and waved to him, continuing to walk backwards until I turned around, walking away from the village. I smirked to myself. "I really am naïve." I said to myself. There's no way I'd be accepted back into the village. Not after what I've done to everyone.

As I was walking through the woods, someone stopped me.

"You're not getting away that easy."

I turned around, spotting Kakashi behind me with his arms crossed over his chest. "Kakashi..." I murmured. He smiled behind his mask before walking over to me, hugging me.

I hesitantly hugged him back, my arms wrapping around him. "Why...?" I whispered. "Hmm?" Kakashi asked.

"Why... aren't you hurting me? I've caused you and the village so much pain. I've ended countless, innocent lives... I've even killed your comrades. Why... are you being so nice to me?" I asked. Tears escaped my eyes as I hugged Kakashi tighter.

"I would never harm my own student out of vengeance." Kakashi said. "But..." I started. "I was never mad at you, Nue. I was only afraid that you've never come home." He explained. Kakashi broke the hug and looked at me before wiping a tear away with his thumb.

"Let's go home." He said. I smiled and gave a nod in agreement. When we got to the village, I saw Naruto being thrown into the air as the villagers cheered. I smiled at him because he was finally getting the respect he deserves. "It's her! It's that monster!" A villager yelled, noticing my appearance.

"Those things on her back! No doubt about it! She's the one who did this to our village!"

"Get her!"

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