Chapter 24: Because The Moon is Blue

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While I enjoyed the night air, I began training. I had no idea where I was going. But I know one thing for sure, I have to find my purpose. After training, I made myself a new hooded cloak. I walked up a hill, deciding to pay Zabuza and Haku a visit.

My hood was pulled over my head while I walked up the hill. Once I was there, I pulled off my hood and stared down at their graves before getting down on my knees. I cupped my hands together and prayed.

When I was done praying, I opened my eyes. "Hey, Uncle. Long time no see. It's good to se you again. You too, Haku." I said. "Sorry for not showing up sooner. I've been... well, busy. I sure do miss you guys. I wish I could've saved you. Both of you. I also wish I could reset everything,"

I created a flame in my hand until it turned into a red-orange rose. "Here. It's for you." I said. I made another rose and placed them on Zabuza and Haku's grave. "I've gotta go. I promise I'll make my visits longer next time. See you around." I said.

I smiled sadly before standing to my feet. "That's strange. Where's the sword?" I asked, noticing it was gone. "Why would someone take it? And for what reason?" I mumbled to myself. "Hmm..."

I left their graves, heading back to my spot in the woods. I noticed I was near a lake, so I decided to take a little swim. "I guess a little dip won't hurt." I said to myself. I took off my clothes and stepped into the lake. I swam laps around the lake until I just floated there in the middle, gazing up at the stars.

"Father, I'm sorry. But I couldn't bring myself to kill Orochimaru. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't do it. Please forgive me." I said before closing my eyes. I sank my body into the bottom of the lake while letting bubbles leave my mouth.

I wonder if anyone noticed I've left Akatsuki? Probably not. It's still dark and everyone's asleep. After my swim, I got out of the lake and dried myself off with a towel I created from my Dark Style technique.

I went into my bag and took out Kakuzu's bingo book. If he's not going to be doing this job anymore, then I shall carry out his work for him. Although, I'm not exactly doing it for Akatsuki. I looked through the book until I found someone who was worth at least $25 million.

His name was Toshiyuki Kawaebata. He was formerly a leader of a deadly group called Osore, which means "fear". According to the book, he's residing in the Hidden Stone Village. I tucked the book in my cloak and flew towards the Hidden Stone Village.

Two hours later, I got tired of flying and found a nearby stable filled with horses. "I'm just gonna borrow one of you guys for a while. Don't worry, I'll have you back before your owner finds out you're missing." I said to the horses.

I found a black horse and lead it out of the stables. I found the reins for the horse and strapped it around the horses head. The horse sniffed my shoulder and I petted his snout. "That's a good horse." I said, and climbed onto its back.   

"Let's go." I made the horse turn around and we headed to the Hidden Stone Village. As we were approaching the Stone Village, I spotted two night guards near the entrance. I made the horse walk forward, approaching the two men.

"Stop! State your business!" One of them ordered. "I'm looking for a man named Toshiyuki Kawaebata. I was told that he lives here." I said, calmly as I made the horse stop walking. "Toshiyuki hasn't been here in years." His partner said.

"Then, do you know where he might be?"

"No. But there has been some rumors about him. Some started saying that was taken away by force."

"By whom?"

"We don't speak his name around here."

I caught on quickly, knowing who they were referring to; and that's Orochimaru. "It's okay. I understand." I said to them. I made my horse turn around and headed to one of Orochimaru's hideouts. When we got there, I saw a man sitting outside on a big rock.

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