Chapter 11: Nue's Curse Mark Form

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Deidara's POV

The next day, I went to Nue's room to see if she was okay. She seemed pretty angry when we returned to the base last night. Did I upset her in a way? I sure hope not. I stood in front of her door before knocking. "Nue, it's me, Deidara, un. Are you okay?" I asked.

The door creaked open slightly and I peered inside. "Nue?" I opened the door a little wider and found the room was empty. Where is she? I walked down the hall, entering the living room. "Hey, has anyone seen Nue?" I asked.

"Nope. Nobody's seen her all morning." Kisame answered. "Hmm..." I went outside to see if she was meditating or something. "Nue?" I called out. My eyes spotted a women with gray hair as her back was facing me.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" I asked. She didn't answer nor did she turn around to face me. "Hey, did you hear me?" I called louder. I waited three seconds until the strange woman turned around, facing me.

"Who are you?" I repeated

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"Who are you?" I repeated. She didn't answer as she stared at me. I raised a brow at her before taking a few steps back, then walked inside the base. "Hey, does anyone know that woman out there, un?" I asked. "What woman?" Itachi asked.

"The woman that's outside, yeah." I confirmed. "Is she an enemy?" Kakuzu asked. "I don't know. She's not doing anything and she won't speak. She's just standing there, yeah." I said. Everyone went outside to see what I was talking about and the woman was still standing there.

"Who are you? How did you find this place?" The Leader demanded. The woman only narrowed her eyes at him. "Okay, looks like we'll be doing this the hard way." Hidan said as he took out his scythe.

"Hidan, wait!" Kakuzu tried to stop him, but Hidan ignored his warning and charged at the unknown woman. When he got close to her, he went to slice his scythe down on her. The woman frowned at him before grabbing the handle of his scythe.

She used her other arm to punch Hidan, making him let go of his scythe and tumble back towards us. Hidan slid on his back until he stopped near the Leader's feet. He looked down at Hidan before looking at the strange woman as she dropped the scythe to the ground.

I noticed her form changed as she grew black raven wings, her arms turned into tiger arms, and she had grown a snake tail behind her.

I noticed her form changed as she grew black raven wings, her arms turned into tiger arms, and she had grown a snake tail behind her

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