Chapter 37: Forgiveness Is The First Step

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3rd Person POV

Hinata kept fighting Pein with her hands glowing a bright blue. No matter how hard she fought, Pein kept dodging her attacks. When he dodged an attack from her, Hinata took her chance and punched off a rod that was pierced in Naruto's body.

Pein used his Almighty Push and hit Hinata. Naruto's eyes widened. "Hi.. Hinata!" He called. She landed on the ground with a big thud. 'Was she dead? No, she can't be!' Naruto thought. "Hinata! Hinata! Hey!" He called to her.

He tried to move, but it was no use as the rods kept him pinned down. "Dammit! Hinata!" Naruto called to her again. Hinata's eyes weakly opened as she was still alive. "Hinata!" Naruto called to her again. She started to move as she tried to stand up, but she fell down on her stomach.

She tried again. This time, she was able to get on her hands and knees. Hinata managed to get to her feet, the wobbly began to walk forward. How is she still moving? Because she has a strong heart. Hinata kept walking until she fell on her stomach.

She got up again and forced her body to keep moving. "Just stop... please. Just stay away." Naruto pleaded, looking away. Hinata ignored his plead and kept walking towards him. She was almost towards Naruto until she fell forward, landing on her stomach.  

Hinata stayed there for a moment then began to crawl towards Naruto. Naruto lowered his head to the ground as he just wanted her to run away; He didn't want her getting hurt anymore. Hinata crawled over to Naruto, close to his hand.

"But why? Why would someone as weak as you, try to resist?" Pein asked as he watched the girl who refused to give up. Hinata slowly sat on her knees and grabbed the last rod that hasn't been destroyed.

"Why would you fight me... when you know you'll only die?" Pein asked. Hinata's hands clenched around the rod as she let out small sounds of whimpering. "Because... I never go back on my word." She said, repeating what Naruto said three years ago.

Naruto recognized those words and raised his head so he was looking at Hinata. She looked at him, blood running down her face. "Because... Because that's my ninja way." Hinata said, smiling weakly. Naruto stared at her with wide eyes. His eyes widened even more when Hinata was lifted high into the air. Pein waved his hand down, smashing Hinata into the ground.

Just when things couldn't get any worse... they did. Pein took a rod out of his sleeve and stabbed Hinata. Naruto lied there, shocked, as he didn't say a word.

"It was just like this. When my parents were killed right before eyes... by shinobi of the Hidden Leaf. Because of the existence of love. Sacrifice is born as well as hate. And one comprehends... one knows pain." Pein said as blood ran from Hinata's unmoving body.

And that's when it happened. Naruto's eyes changed red and he snapped. An enormous amount of chakra was released from the Nine Tails inside Naruto. Anger took over his body. Meanwhile, Nue was taking a slow time to heal.

For all we know, she could be dead. At least that's what was thought until her fingers twitched slightly.

Nue's POV

'Pain... Sadness... Anger... Tears... Why am I feeling this? No... It's not me. It's... Naruto. Am I feeling... Naruto's pain?' I thought, weakly. I grunted as I struggled to open my eyes. I flexed my fingers, then slowly sat up. "Oh, thank goodness."

I turned my head. "Katsuyu?" I mumbled. I squinted my eyes slightly. "Thank goodness you made it, kid." Fukasaku said. "What... happened to me?" I asked. "Oh, Nue. You sacrificed yourself to save Fukasaku. Your heart was stabbed and you weren't breathing." She explained.

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