Chapter 61: Nue vs. Madara and Kabuto

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Hey, guys. I've thought long and hard about this, and I'm not sure if I should continue this story. Like, I know the series is long because of all the flashbacks that happen between battles, and I'm not sure if I have the patience to write all of that.

But what bothers me most is that I have a really cool ending for Nue and I really want to continue it, but like I mentioned, I'm not sure if I have the patience to write everything out while following the anime. Ugh, I'm driving myself crazy, more than I already am. What should I do?

Continue the story and skip a few parts, or just discontinue it altogether?

I know all of you have seen the story, the battle, and how it ends, so I'm thinking it's just a hassle to write it all out in this book. Please tell me what I should do. Also, I've decided to dedicate chapter to the people who tag me and to also the people who deserve the dedication.

It's just my way of saying thank you for tagging me :)

Now without further adieu, enjoy the story!

"Found you, you son of a bitch." I said as I found out where Madara was hiding. I flew to the ground, and landed in a kneeling position as my hood went over my head. I stood up with a frown and entered the new hideout Madara was hiding in.

The war has already begun, so I can only tell Madara had reinforcements. No doubt, Kabuto wasn't his only backup. I wonder who else has joined the party? "Welcome, Nue Houjuu. We've been expecting you." I stopped walking as I spotted a figure in the shadows.

"Kabuto Yakushi..." I said with a frown. I looked at him from head to toe. "You look like hell." I mentioned. "And you look like you've suffered a loss. Oh, wait. You did. But that stupid mother of yours deserved to die. She was a nuisance to the end." He said.

I gritted my teeth as he insulted my mother. "Don't you dare talk about my mother. She went through hell to protect me." I said. "Ha! Protect you? Don't make me laugh! The only reason why she hid you away and "protected" you, is because you're an embarrassment to the Houjuu Clan." Kabuto said.

"Take that back, asshole."

"What are you gonna do if I don't?"

"I'll fucking murder your ass."

"Try me, Nue. Let's see how much you've learned."

"Do you really think you can beat me?"

"I know I can beat you."

"Alright. Let's dance."

I closed my eyes before opening they as my eyes changed purple. "Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!" I breathed fire out of my mouth as it advanced towards Kabuto. He smirked before leaping into the air, dodging my attack.

"You'll have to try hard than that, Nue!" Kabuto called. I jumped in the air, following after him. "Trust me! I can do more than that!" I said before punching him in the face. Kabuto fell to the ground and poofed into a log.

"Come out of hiding, coward! I thought you were a ninja!" I shouted. I spotted Kabuto near a ledge and I lunged at him. I grabbed the front of his cloak and flung him over to the ground. While he was falling, I stomped my feet into his stomach multiple times before spinning around, swinging my fist at his face.

He hit the ground hard with a thud as clouds of dirt surrounded him. I floated to the ground, then walked over to him, grabbing the front of his cloak. "Tell me where Madara is! Now!" I ordered as I lifted him in the air.

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