Chapter 23: Finding Out Why

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Deidara's POV

"Ugh... Finally done." I said, relieved that I was finally done with the mission I had to do alone. Once I was near the base, I jumped off my bird, made my art disappear, and went inside. "You've been gone for quite a while." Kisame mentioned as I entered the base.

"Well, I would've finished the mission faster if I had a partner with me, un." I said. "Why didn't you take Tobi?" Zetsu asked. "Like I really wanna listen to his annoying voice, un," I rolled my eyes. "Is Nue back from her mission yet?" I asked.

"Yeah, she returned a few hours ago. She's in her room and hasn't come out since." Kisame informed. "Why? Is something wrong with her?" I asked. "Well, the kid seemed to be in a mood when she returned from the mission. Hidan and Kakuzu didn't come back with her though. Needless to say, they didn't make it." He said.

"I'm gonna go check on her." I said. I went to walk to her room until Tobi grabbed my arm. "Tobi thinks you should leave Nue-chan alone for a while." He said. "Why? Did something happen to Nue, un?" I asked.

"Do what he says, Deidara. It's best if you don't disturb her right now." Itachi advised. "Can someone tell me what the hell's going on? What happened?" I demanded, getting a little irritated. "We don't know what happened. Nue's been in her room all day. She won't eat or say a word." Kisame said.

I frowned. "I'm gonna go check on her." I said, heading to Nue's room. I walked down the hall until I was in front of her door. "Nue, it's Deidara. Can I come in?" I asked, knocking on her door. "Go away." Nue replied in an cold tone.

"Hey, are you okay? What's the matter? Is everything okay, un?" I asked. "I said, go away. Now... Or I'll kill you." She warned. Something's not right. I have to find out what's wrong with her. I slowly opened her door and peeked inside.

I found Nue on her bed with her back facing me as she was faced the wall. "Nue, are you okay, un?" I asked as I opened the door wider. "Are you deaf or something? I told you to go away. You must be pretty persistent to die, you blonde idiot." Nue said, her back still facing me.

"Nue, talk to me. What happened? Please, I wanna help you." I said as I catiously walked towards her. When I was close enough, the smell of blood hit my nose. "Nue, why do I smell blood, un?" I asked.

"Because I've been cutting." She murmured. Nue lifted her arm, showing me her wrist I saw blood oozing out of an open cut. "Are you crazy?! Stop!" I said as I grabbed her wrist. Nue put up a fight as I tried to pin her to the bed so I could stop her from hurting herself any further.

I failed to restrain her as she flipped me over and pinned me down to the bed. My eyes widened a little as I saw her eyes glowing red. "Nue...?" I mumbled. She didn't say anything as she stared at me. "Nue, please talk to me. I wanna help you, yeah." I said to her.

"Just shut up! I don't wanna hear it!" Nue snapped. I immediately shut my mouth and glanced at her body as it was covered in faded cuts. What kind of battle was she in? "If I had just been there for her... If I had just protected her like I said I would..." Nue said, trailing off.

Who is she talking about? "Nue, what happened? Talk to me." I pleaded. She didn't respond as her hair covered her eyes. I panicked when I saw Nue slowly taking out a kunai knife. "Nue, stop! Don't do this!" I said, quickly, afraid she'd might stab me.

"You don't tell me what to do!" She snapped, holding the knife against my cheek. I stayed still, waiting her for to cut me. "I have to get out of here." Nue said, quickly. She flew towards the ceiling, smashing through it as she took off.

"Nue!" I called after as I sat up. don't do this." I said. Where is she going? What happened on the mission? Who was Nue talking about?

Nue's POV

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