Chapter 34: A Scared and Confused Child

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Nue's POV

"Healing sure does suck when you have many open wounds. It hurts like hell." I mumbled as I lazily down on my bed, in my room. After I was done healing, I was locked away in my new room, eating sweets while laying on top of my pillow.

"Tobi sure can be a pushover when he wants to be. But that's not Tobi. It can't be. Well... Of course it's not him. Hell, his name isn't even Tobi. I've never even heard of a 'Madara' until today." I complained.

"Nue, where are you?"

"Ugh... Great. Just what I needed right now," I sighed and rolled on my back so I was looking at the ceiling. "It's been a while, hasn't it, Pein? I can't remember the last time we spoke to each other. How long has it been?" I asked, calmly, as he spoke to me while using mind communication.

"I don't know. Come back to the base. We have some things we need to discuss." Pein said. "Roger that." I replied. I sighed while closing my eyes.

"This job is starting to become a real pain in the ass. Why the hell does Akatsuki need me for, anyway? What's the point of even staying? I couldn't even bring myself to kill Orochimaru to get my revenge. Why don't I just leave the organization?" I asked myself.

I got out of bed and left the hideout, heading towards the Hidden Rain Village. "Then again, I have nowhere else to go. If I leave Akatsuki, where could I go? Back to the Leaf?" I said. As I was approaching the Rain Village, I noticed an area that looked a bit messy; like a battle just went down.

The curiosity got the best of me as I flew down to the area, gracefully landing on my feet. "What the hell happened here?" I asked. I walked along the water while looking around. 'A battle definitely went down around here. But who was fighting? And who won?' I thought to myself.

I traced my hand along a cracked wall and jumped slightly as my eyes suddenly changed purple. I saw something. I saw Pein... and Jiraiya? I tried to see more of what was going on, but the image ended there.

"What was that?" I mumbled. Was that some kind of premonition? Well, Pein and Jiraiya were definitely in this area. Does that mean they were fighting? I can't be sure. For all I know, it's could've been someone else who was here and was fighting somebody else.

I walked forward until I started to feel uneasy. Actually, I felt sick to my stomach. I didn't eat anything, so why do I feel this way? I kept walking forward until I stopped while looking down at the water. I stared at my reflection emotionlessly before blinking my eyes.

When I did, I saw Jiraiya's reflection. "Jiraiya-san?" I said in disbelief. I immediately fell to my hands and knees, my hands splashing on the surface of the water. "What is this, Jiraiya-san? What kind of jutsu is this? What are you doing here?" I demanded, angrily, while staring into the reflection.  

He didn't answer as he just stared at me. Why is this happening? What is this? Why am I seeing Jiraiya's reflection? Why won't he answer me? I gasped as I saw his reflection slowly disappearing. "Wait!" I called, but he was already gone.

I frowned and made my eyes change purple. I looked through the water as I noticed a figure down there. "What the hell? What is this?" I mumbled. I took a closer look at the figure until I recognized it, making me gasp in shock.

"Jiraiya-san..." I whispered. I stood up, taking a few steps back, then flew off to the base. I needed to talk to Pein and get to the bottom of this. "Welcome back, Nue. How have you been?" Konan greeted, once I got to the base.

 "I need to talk to Pein." I said quickly, walking past her. When I got to Pein's office, I walked in without knocking. "There you are, Nue. We're about to start our attack on the Leaf." Pein said. "What happened to Jiraiya?" I demanded.

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