Chapter 73: Eun's Assistance

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Nue's POV

When we got to the battlefield, I found Squad 7 and some other guy who reeked with power. "So, that's Obito, huh? That bastard's going to pay for torturing me." I said. "He tortured you? How?" Orochimaru asked. 

"I don't wanna talk about it." I said. "I understand. I'll leave the rest to you then. I'm going back to Karin and Suigetsu." Orochimaru said. "Do what you want." I replied. He smirked at my comment before vanishing back to Karin and Suigetsu.

"So, you finally decided to join the party, huh, Nue?" Sasuke stated as he spotted me. "Sorry to keep you waiting." I said. Sasuke stared at me before noticing I was standing on top of Manda. "Manda? I thought he was dead?" He asked. "I revived him." I stated.


"That's my little secret, Uchiha," I turned my attention to Manda. "Manda, I'll handle the rest from here. You go home and rest." I said. "Right." Manda replied and poofed into smoke. "Nue-chan, are you all right?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I answered. "Welcome back, Nue." Someone who looked like Naruto said. "Who are you?" I asked. "Huh? Oh, sorry. I'm Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage and Naruto's father." He introduced.

"It's nice to meet you. Could you bring me up to speed on what's going on?" I asked. "Yeah. Obito was somehow able to turn himself into a Jinchuriki." He informed. "What?! How do you know?" I asked.

"I've become friends with the Tailed Beast. They gave me some of their chakra earlier, so it's obvious to me. I could sense the Tailed Beasts' chakra getting sucked into Obito one after the other. Plus, I've seen Nagato do that Six Paths Rebirth Jutsu before. But he signs he was weaving were completely different. Anyway, he was performing the jutsu to become a Jinchuriki all this time." Naruto explained. 

"I see..." I looked towards Obito as his eyes were wide. "Why does he look like he's about to snap at any second?" I asked. "Maybe he's thinking of a plan to attack." Eun said as I just noticed she was there. 

"What the hell have you been doing out here? And how did you get out?" I asked. "You're not the only one with tricks up their sleeves, Nue. Anyway, the situation we're in doesn't look so good. You got a plan or something?"

"To be honest, not really."

Eun sighed. "Still half-minded as ever I see."

"Hey, you were here the whole time! Don't tell me how half-minded I am!"

I sighed, realizing there was no point in arguing with her, or myself for that matter. I mean, Eun is me after all. 

"We've gotta take him down somehow." Naruto said. "On it." I said as I had the Tailed Beast tails appear behind me. 

"Whoa! When you were able to do that?!" Naruto asked. "When I was three, I trained with each of the Jinchiriki. All except the Nine-Tails." I explained. "That explains why you don't have Kurama's tail." Naruto joked, making me sweat drop. 

"Of all the things you could've said..." I said, bluntly. I sighed and turned my attention towards Sasuke. "Yo, Sasuke. Give me some of your blood." I said. "Excuse me?" He asked, raising a brow. "I know you can hear well. Give me your blood." I repeated. 

"That's right. The Houjuu Clan can manipulate anyone's abilities just by tasting their blood." Tobirama said. "Yeah, so I'll need to borrow your Susanoo for a bit." I said. "Are you going to bite my neck if I refuse?" Sasuke asked. 

"Maybe. Originally, I was going to get your blood by biting your neck, but I don't want to have that much of your blood. Your wrist should be enough." I said. "How annoying." Sasuke said before walking over to me. 

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