Chapter 71: Triggered

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Nue's POV

I grunted in pain when the Kiragani Blade was pulled out of my stomach. "I apologize for doing this to you, Nue-sama." Maria apologized as Healer #1 was healing the cuts on my arms and Healer #2 was healing my stomach.

I'm calling them that because I had no idea who they are and... well, needless to say, I don't know their names. "Don't worry about it. But can someone please tell me what the hell is going on? How did I get here?" I asked Maria as a Leaf Village ninja was healing me.

"We're in the middle of war, Nue-sama. A lot has happened while you were unconscious. Sasuke, Jugo, and others found you in a water tank, behind the wall of a hideout." Maria explained. "Do you remember anything?" Jugo asked.

"I remember Kabuto and Madara capturing me and I was in a water tank. I couldn't wake up because of a Kiragani substance that was flowing into my veins." I explained. "Madara Uchiha?" Maria repeated.

"No, it wasn't the real him. It was a different one. Some impersonating him, trying to act like him." I said. "That must've been Obito." Maria informed. "Obito?" I repeated. "Obito is a friend of Kakashi's. We all assumed he was dead, but he lived somehow." She explained.

"Where's Megumi?" Jugo asked. "She's dead. Madara killed her. Karin! Where is she?" I asked.

"She's fine. She's with Suigetsu and Orochimaru."

"And Naruto?"

"He, Sasuke, and Sakura headed in the Ten-Tails' direction." Healer #1 said.

"What?! Are they crazy?! They're going to get themselves killed!"

"Nue-sama, what are you doing?" Maria asked as I was attempting to get to my feet. "To save them." I answered. "But you're hurt! And your injuries haven't healed yet!" Maria said as she forced me to sit back down.

"Nue, please don't move. You're wounds-"

"Fuck my wounds! I have to help my friends!" I yelled at Healer #2. "Your language certainly hasn't changed." Maria mentioned with a sweat drop. "Well, I just can't sit here and do nothing, Maria! I have to help them!" I argued.

"I understand, but with your injuries, there's not much you can do. Please, allow me to help them instead." Maria proposed. "No way! Look at yourself! You're a bigger mess than I am! You're the one who should be getting heled right now! Not me!" I said.


"I understand you wish to help. But right now, you must be healed. I'll go help Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura. Everything will be fine." Maria assured me. I trusted Maria with my life, but I wasn't so sure about this idea.

I continued to let the ninja heal me as Maria rose to her feet. "Maria, wait." I said, stopping her. "Just... make sure you come back to me alive." I said. "Is that an order, Nue-sama?" She asked. "No," I said, shaking my head. "It's not an order. A promise."

Maria blinked her eyes in surprise before smiling a small smile and taking a knee, bowing to me. "Hai... Nue-sama." She said. She lifted her head to look at me, then ran off. "Good luck... Maria." I whispered as I prayed for her to come back to me alive.

I sighed to myself, feeling useless just lying here and letting this healer heal me. "Don't worry, Nue. Your maid is a strong shinobi. She won't fail you. I guarantee it." Jugo said, trying not to have me stress over Maria for fighting alone.

"Thanks, Jugo." I said. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath, and opened them. I looked towards the direction of the Ten Tails as I could've swore I saw Eun running towards the battlefield. When did she get out and what does she plan on doing?

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