Chapter 19: Here We Go Again

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Nue's POV

We finally sealed the Two-Tails after three days. I watched as Yugito Nii fell to the ground and landed with a thud. I really felt bad for the Jinchuriki that we're collecting. But it was all for a good cause. "Now the Two-Tails has been sealed away as well. Only four more to go." Pein said.

Hidan sighed in relief. "Finally." He said. "Let's go to the Leaf. Hidan, Nue." Kakuzu said. "Right." I agreed. "The Leaf?" Deidara asked. "Kakuzu, Hidan. If you're really headed for the Leaf, a word of warning, un. There's a Jinchuriki there named Naruto Uzumaki. Be careful if you run into him, un." Deidara warned.

I remember when Deidara lost his arm and I also remember him telling me he got the crap beat out of him by Naruto. It must've been from the Nine-Tails inside him. "Oh, is that right? So says the little weakling who failed so miserably and had to have his own arm reattached by Kakuzu." Hidan said. I glared at him.

"Shut up, Hidan. " I said, coldly. "Better losing his arm than his head." Kakuzu replied. "You can say that again." I said. "What?! Hey, Kakuzu! Whose side are you on, anyway?! Hey, I thought we were partners! Partners are supposed to-"

"Shut up, Hidan!" Kakuzu and I shouted at the same time, interrupting Hidan. "Let's go." Kakuzu said, and he signed off. "Tch. Nue, you're on my side, right?" Hidan asked. "You wish. Go with Kakuzu. I'll catch up." I said.

"What did I do?" Hidan whined. "Just go, Hidan!" I snapped, and he signed off. I sighed. "Having a hard time dealing with him?" Kisame asked with a chuckle. "You have no idea. I just wish he would keep his big mouth shut for a change." I said as I placed my hand on my head. 

"Hang in there a little while longer, kid. He'll shut up eventually." Kisame said. "I certainly hope so." I said before signing off. I opened my eyes and stretched out my wings and tails. I yawned and listened to Hidan as he stretched.

"Three whole days without moving. I'm so ready to rampage." He said before cracking his neck. "I'm in need of a nap." I said, yawning again. "Now, where's that cash cow?" Hidan asked. I looked at Kakuzu as he was walking away.

"Kakuzu?" I asked. "Hmm?" Hidan looked at him. "Hey, Kakuzu, where you going? The collection office is over this way." Hidan said, pointing in the direction of the collection office. "What are you, an idiot?" Kakuzu asked.

"What do you mean by that?" Hidan said as he got out his scythe. "They'll be expecting that. Do you wanna walk right into an ambush? No. This time we'll find a different way into the Leaf. After all, it's the Jinchuriki that we want. Anyway, it's been three days. The one with the bounty on him would have been retrieved by his comrades." Kakuzu explained.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right." Hidan said as he put his scythe behind his back. I looked at the scar on Hidan's neck, narrowing my eyes slightly as the memory of his head getting cut off came into mind. "Hmm? What are you looking at?" Hidan asked me.

"...It's nothing." I said before following Kakuzu. "And another thing." Kakuzu mentioned, turning around to face Hidan. "Hmm?" Hidan gave him a confused look.

Kakuzu reached into his cloak sleeve, trying to search for something. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What are you doing?" Hidan asked. He took his hand out of his sleeve, pulling out a headband.

"That scar on your neck is embarrassing. Cover it up." He said, tossing a headband over to Hidan, in which he caught it with one hand. "Hey, look at that. It's my headband. You went to the trouble of picking it up and keeping it for me? I'm touched. You're a pretty nice guy, Kakuzu, you know that?" Hidan cooed.

"Shut up. Come on, let's go." Kakuzu said coldly. "Hey, wait up! Let me put it on at least!" Hidan called as he was trying to tie the headband around his neck. I went behind him and assisted him. "One of these days, you're going to get him really mad, and he's gonna beat you to point you wish you could die." I warned him.

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