Chapter 63: Right By Your Side

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Nue's POV

I can't forget. I have to stay conscious... just a little while longer. I can't allow myself to forget. I floated in complete darkness while I tried keeping myself conscious as much as I can. "Don't be ridiculous. We both know I'm going to die."

"Sasori?" I murmured. I lifted my head as I watched him die in my arms. "This is interesting. A semi-heartless girl... crying over a puppet. Sounds almost childish." Sasori said as he placed his hand over my cheek.

"You may have been just a puppet, but... you were still a friend. My friend." My past self told him. I closed my eyes while turning my head away as I didn't want to see him die again.

"You'll see! I'll get out of here!"

I opened my eyes and looked up, watching Hidan get buried alive. "Idiot. I should've been there with you and prevented that from happening. Maybe you'd still be alive if I had just been there sooner." I said.

"Nue... Get out of here while you can. Hurry."

"Kakuzu..." I whispered as I watched his death. My past self held his hand, begging him not to leave her. "Go, dammit! Now!" Kakuzu yelled. "Stop!" I screamed out, not wanting to see anymore. I grabbed my head with both hands while closing my eyes tightly.

"Stop showing me this! I don't want to see anymore!" I yelled. I turned away from the images, but that didn't help because I turned right into another memory of my fallen comrade and lover.

I watch Deidara blow himself up while another image showed Itachi poking Sasuke's forehead, apologizing to him before collapsing to the ground. Why am I seeing this? Why are they showing me the deaths of my fallen comrades? 

Because I made the mistakes of leaving them? "Stop... please stop..." I whispered. "Stop it!" I grabbed my head again as the tears spilled over my cheeks.

"Please, make it stop! Don't make me watch this! I'm sorry! I regret leaving them behind! I regret abandoning them when they needed my help! I'm sorry! Just please make it stop! I don't wanna see this anymore! Please!" I begged.

"Kitten..." I opened my eyes as Deidara stood in front of me with a warm smile. "Deidara... Deidara!" I quickly hugged him and cried into his shoulder. "It's okay. Kitten. It's gonna be okay, un." Deidara said as he gently hugged me back.

"No, it won't," I shook my head. "It's not going to be okay. It'll never be okay." I denied. "Don't say that. Everything will be okay. I know it will." He said. I opened my eyes and looked at him as he smiled. I gasped when he started to fade away.

"Deidara!" I went to hug him again, but he was gone. "Wake up. Wake up." I closed my eyes tightly while trying to force myself to wake up from this nightmare, but I couldn't. When I opened my eyes, I saw Konan fighting Madara. "What...? When was this?" I mumbled.

I gasped when Madara grabbed Konan's neck and began to choke her. "Konan!" I called to her, but I knew she couldn't hear me because it was only an image. Did this really happen? Is Konan really dead? No, she can't be...

"No, she's still alive. She has to be." I tried convincing myself. "I'm sorry, Nue. But that really did happen," I turned around as Konan stood behind me with sorrow on her face. "I really did die. I'm sorry." She said.

"No," I slowly shook my head in disbelief. "Please tell me you're lying. Tell me this is all some kind of bad joke." I said. Konan's eyes saddened as she shook her head, telling me this was reality. I hugged Konan as I began to cry into her chest.

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