Chapter 62: Eternal Sleep

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Madara's POV

"Where did they go?" Kabuto asked. "I saw them run down this way. They couldn't have gotten far. I stabbed Nue with a Kiragani sword, so they could be hiding so she can regain her strength." I informed as we walked down the hall Megumi took Nue.

I don't have time for this. I need to find that girl and hurry up with the plan. With the war already starting, it doesn't leave me with much time.

"Oh, we're through hiding," Kabuto and I stopped walking as Nue revealed herself. "Come and get me, assholes." Nue said. "I don't have time to fight with you, you little brat. Now come over here like a good little girl." I said, angrily.

"You seem to take me for some kind of pet." She replied, staring at me, blankly. "Time to finish this once and for all, Nue." Kabuto said. "You're right. It is time to finish this. Megumi, now!"

"Aye, aye, Captain!"

Kabuto and I looked up to see Megumi with two machine guns in her hands. She laughed like a maniac as she began firing at us. We quickly jumped out of the way, escaping the bullets. "This is the best thing I've ever done!" Megumi screamed, happily.

"This is starting to become a handful." Kabuto said as we hid behind a wall. "Tell me something I don't know." I said, sarcastically. "Hiding won't do you any good here!" Nue shouted as she went to punch me. I made her go through my body so she missed. I smirked behind my mask, remembering something about Megumi.

"I have a plan. Cover me." I said to Kabuto. He gave a nod and dealt with Nue while I walked towards Megumi. She continued to fire at me, but the bullets just went through me. "Shit. I forgot you could do stuff like that." She said, dropping both of the machine guns.

"There's a lot of things you've seem to forgotten, Megumi." I stated. She growled as I watched her teeth sharpen. "I'm gonna make you eat those words, bastard!" She yelled as she lunged at me. I grabbed her throat and she gagged.

"Motherfucker!" She cursed. "Time to shut that mouth of yours." I said. I shoved my fist through her heart, grabbing the orb and yanking it out.

 I shoved my fist through her heart, grabbing the orb and yanking it out

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I dropped Megumi to the floor as she grabbed her throat, coughing. "Without this, you'll be put of the way for good." I said. Megumi looked up and gasped as she spotted her life source in my hand. "No, don't!" She yelled as she made a wild grab for it.

But it was too late as I crushed the orb within my hand. Megumi gasped while spitting up blood. "Megumi!" Nue yelled in worry.

Nue's POV

"Megumi!" I ran over to her as she fell on her knees, then on her side. "Just hang in there. You're going to be okay." I said as I held her in my lap. "Heh... To think it would end like this..." She said, weakly with a smirk. "Don't say that! You're gonna be fine!" I said. Megumi weakly smirked while closing her eyes.

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