Chapter 32: Sasuke Joins Akatsuki?!

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I walked with Kisame into a room where Sasuke's team was. I spotted Sasuke sitting in a chair and I immediately got mad. "You!" I charged at him and grabbed his throat. "You got some balls coming here, Uchiha." I said, coldly. "Nue, fall back now." Tobi said in his deep voice.

"What the hell is this asshole doing here, anyway? Why is he even alive?" I demanded as my eyes had changed purple. "I'll explain everything to you later. For now, retreat." Tobi ordered. I glared at Sasuke as my grip on his throat tightened while he just stared at me.

"Do you hear me, Nue?" Tobi demanded. I fought back the urge to talk back and let go of Sasuke. "Start talking, Tobi. What the hell is this guy doing here?" I said. "He'll be joining Akatsuki. His team is no longer called Hebi. It is now Taka." Tobi explained.

"Hmph. Team Taka, my ass." I mumbled. "We, the Taka, will destroy the Leaf." Sasuke said. I rolled my eyes. "Good luck with that." I muttered. Tobi sat on the table, facing Sasuke. "Easier said than done. So, how? What's your plan?" He asked.

"We're going to kill the elders. The others are of no concern to me." Sasuke said. "If you aim high, the ones below will shield them. It's not to be as easy as you seem to think. And you four Taka don't have the strength to handle this kind of thing for yourselves." Kisame said.

I frowned. "I don't see the point in giving them advice. They're basically just walking into their own death." I mentioned, coldly. Suigetsu smirked. "Listen, Kisame. You really shouldn't make the mistake of underestimating us. We still haven't settled that little game of ours we started the other day." he said.

"What game?" I demanded. "It was more like a brawl if you ask me." Karin answered. "So let me show you my real-"

"Stop it, Suigetsu! Enough!" Jugo ordered. I narrowed my eyes at Suigetsu. My eyes quickly changed purple as he attacked. He slid across the table and swung his blade at Kisame. I got in front of him and blocked his attack with my blue tails.

"You're really starting to piss me off, water boy." I said, coldly as I glared at him. "Sasuke, you haven't trained them very well." Tobi said. "Suigetsu, are you that stupid?! This isn't the time or place-!" Karin said, but was interrupted by Suigetsu.

"My objective is that sword of his, Samehada. I've been traveling with Sasuke only so I can get my hands on that thing!" Suigetsu yelled at her. I kicked Suigetsu in the face, causing him to fly a couple feet away. "I'm going to blow his fucking face off." I said, aiming my gun at him.

"Nue, calm yourself now." Tobi ordered. "Why the hell should I? So far, all these people have done is caused nothing but trouble!" I snapped. "I said, calm yourself. Now." Tobi repeated. I gritted my teeth before throwing the Executioner's Blade at Suigetsu, then stomped off.

"You shouldn't have made her angry, Suigetsu." Jugo said as I walked off. I slammed the door to my new room and punched the wall until my knuckles bled. Even when they were bleeding, I kept punching the wall.

I panted as the blood from the wall traveled down to the floor. "I know you're outside my door, whoever you are. Either come in or leave." I said. I heard the door open, then close. "Your anger tells me you're not happy that Sasuke is joining us." Tobi said.

"What gave me away?" I said, sarcastically. I stared at the bloodied wall in front of me. "Let me see your hands, Nue." Tobi said. I kept my gaze on the wall, staring at my blood. "Your hands. Let me see them. Now, Nue." He ordered.

I turned around, facing him. He walked towards me and took one of my hands. "Your temper needs to be controlled. Punching the wall isn't going to help you. It's almost as if you're throwing your life away." he said as he examined my knuckles.

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