Chapter 65: Nue's Training Pt. 1

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Once they got there, they went to the Kazekage to inform them that Nue was there for training. "He's over here. Follow me." The Kazekage said, leading them to the One-Tails Jinchuriki. As they were walking to the Jinchuriki, Nue looked over, spotting a boy about her age; Gaara of the Desert.

Gaara held his teddy bear in his arms as he caught her staring at him. She gave a small wave to him as she walked by. "He looks like a nice kid. Maybe you can be friends with him." Tatsuo said, in which Nue shrugged her shoulders.

After walking down the hallway, they met Jinchuriki of the One-Tail. The Jinchuriki's name was Bunpuku. "Is this the child?" Bunpuku asked. Tatsuo nodded as Nue took a step forward and removed her hood.

"You're a pretty young fellow, aren't you?" Bunpuku asked. Nue gave him a blunt look as Tatsuo chuckled. "Very well. Let's get started." Bunpuku said. While Bunpuku trained Nue, Tatsuo watched them from rooftops.

"You lack patience." Bunpuku said. "I know that!" Nue snapped as she went to kick him in the head. Bunpuku merely blocked off the attack as he grabbed her ankle and tossed her to the ground.

"You seem to get angry rather quickly when someone tells you your flaws." Bunpuku mentioned as his clasped his hands behind his back. Nue frowned and got herself off the ground. "Let us continue." Bunpuku said. "Right." Nue agreed, getting into a fighting stance.

She went to strike him again, but Bunpuku merely brushed off her attack like it was nothing. "Be patient with your strikes, Nue. If you go straight for the kill, your opponent will know." He advised. "Go suck a-"

"Nue," Tatsuo interrupted her before she could finish her sentence. "Watch your mouth towards your sensei." He said. Nue sighed and apologized to Bunpuku. The two of them got back to work and the whole time, Bunpuku reminded Nue of her patience.

"You can tell her how much patience she lacks all the time. I tell her that every day. But... I have to wonder where she gets those bad words from." Tatsuo said, sighing. He decided to play from his flute while Nue continued to her training.

The next day, Nue was doing an unlimited amount of push-ups because Bunpuku instructed her to. "How many push-ups do you want me to do again?" Nue asked, grunting slightly while beads of sweat rolled down her forehead.

"Hmm... How many have you done already?" Bunpuku asked as he had his foot pressed on her back. "About 60." She answered. "Do 30 more, then we'll move onto something else." He said. "Right." Nue replied, and continued her push-ups.

"Explain to me again... why the hell am I doing this?" Nue asked as she balanced small bowls of water on her body. "I told you, it helps build discipline and it strengthens the mind." Bunpuku reminded her as he drank his tea.

Nue frowned in annoyance as she continued to balance the bowls. "And how long am I supposed to do this for?" Nue asked, frowning slightly. "Well... You started 15 minutes ago, so I think you should go for at least one more hour." He said.

"Another hour?!" Nue repeated as she looked at him. "Careful. If you let one drop of water leave either bowl, I'll have to start the time over again." Bunpuku said. "Say what?!" She shouted. "You're a Nue, so I think you can handle it. After all, your kind is supposed to be stronger than any shinobi on this earth." He said.

Bunpuku closed his eyes and drank from his tea cup again while Nue growled in irritation. She closed her eyes again and continued her training. Bunpuku opened his right eye and glanced at Nue as he noticed how annoyed she was at the moment.

"Why don't we work on your temper today, Nue?" Bunpuku suggested. "My temper?" Nue repeated, her eyes still closed. "And why would I need to work on my temper?"

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