Chapter 53: The Alliance

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3rd Person's POV

Kakashi was about to be appointed Hokage until they got urgent news that Tsuande had awoken. She was informed that Madara Uchiha was alive and that his plan was to start a war. "What about Nue? I heard she escaped from the Leaf Village Prison. Did you find her?" Tsunade asked.

"That's another thing I wanted to tell you. Nue never escaped from the prison. She was kidnapped by Madara. We ran into them with Sasuke." Kakashi explained. "Is Nue still with them?" She asked.

"No. She refused to go with them."

"That's good. Is she in the village? Tell her I want to meet with her."

Kakashi gave a nervous chuckle. "About that... Nue isn't in the village. She ran off with one of Sasuke's old comrades." He said. "But why? Why would she do that?" Tsunade asked, confused and desperate for an answer.

"She thinks we're taking advantage of her. Because of the village thinks of her nothing more than an outsider, Nue doesn't see the point in coming back. She's tired of trying to prove herself worthy to everyone and she's tired of seeing those around her get hurt. So, she decided to disappear." Kakashi said.

Tsuande was devastated about the news she heard, but she refused to give up on Nue. "Find Nue. Find her and bring her back tot he village." Tsunade ordered.


"No buts! Just do as I say and go!"

Kakashi gave a quick nod and left. 'Nue... I know you're scared, and I know you're tired of all the crap the Leaf has given you. But I'm not giving up on you. I know there has to be a way we can resolve this. This is your home, Nue. Even if the villagers still find you as an outsider, you're still a citizen of this village' Tsunade thought.

Madara's POV

"WHERE IS SHE?!" I yelled, throwing a chair against the wall, breaking it into pieces. I've searched high and low for this damn girl and she's nowhere to be found! I was in Nue's room, looking for any clues to where Nue might be hiding.

I've searched everywhere, turning the room upside down. When I moved the bed aside, I saw a small message carved into the wall.

"Suck it, Madara." Was written there as smiley face was next to it with the tongue sticking out. I glared at her message as my rage began to boil. "Dammit!!" I punched the wall in front of me, making the whole thing crumble to the floor.

"That damn brat! When I find her, she's as good as dead!" I shouted, angrily. But of course, it was only my anger talking. I actually needed Nue by my side so I can rule. I have a plan and I need her in order for it to work.

I stomped out of her room, feeling even more pissed off. Why am I having such a hard time locationg her? Her power can't be that strong! Unless...

She manage to copy my jutsu somehow and made her own world! I could kill her, but like I said, I have plans for that stubborn bitch. Megumi returned as I walked past her. "Did you find her?" I demanded. "I've searched most of the area, but I couldn't find her." She said.

"Keep looking!" I ordered. "Yes, sir." Megumi replied, quickly, before going back to searching for Nue. "Temper, temper," I frowned and faced Kabuto as he stood the bone of an animal. "Let's start with greetings, Tobi. Oh, that's right. I hear you're going by 'Madara' these days." He said.

"I'm impressed you found me." I commented. "You shouldn't underestimate my volume of intel from crisscrossing the land of a spy and as an Akatsuki member." He replied.

"That's right. You were one of Sasori's spies. You're a traitor to the Akatsuki!" I said before lunging at him. Kabuto leaped back and I followed after him until he slapped his hands together, summoning five coffins.

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