Chapter 49: The Five Kage Summit Pt. 1

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Nue's POV

"It's snowing." I said, emotionlessly as I stood on a tree branch. I held out my hand, letting a snowflake land in my palm. I enclosed my hand into a fist, trapping the snowflake inside. "Time to move. I can't rest another second." I reminded myself before flying off.

I spotted White Zetsu and Sasuke's team near the Kage Summit. "What are you doing?" I asked them in an emotionless tone. "Hey, pretty lady. It's about time you showed up." Suigetsu said. I frowned and took out my gun before shooting him in the head.

"Uh... Why'd you do that, Nue?" Karin asked. "I hate that guy." I said, emotionlessly. Madara may have told me not to kill Sasuke's team, but he didn't say anything about shooting the annoying one. "But... something about you seems different." She said.

"Nothing's different, Karin. I've always been this way." I told her. "Jugo, listen. You have to use the animals. Then, scout out the least defended route you can find to the summit site." Sasuke instructed. "Right, I'm on it." Jugo replied. "No need." I said. "Huh? Why not?" Karin asked.

"Just watch."

Sasuke's POV

Nue closed her eyes for a moment before opening them. When she did, her eyes were glowing purple. "What is she doing?" Suigetsu asked. "I think I can guess." Karin said. Suigetsu walked up to Nue and started waving his hand in front of her face.

"Hello? Anyone in there?" He called. "Knock it off, Suigetsu. Leave her alone. She's trying to concentrate." Karin said. "I know, but it's a little creepy." He said, snapping his fingers in front of Nue's face. "Cut it out already!" Karin snapped.

Nue blinked her eyes as they were back to their red color. "There's a route that climbs up from the West. Not too many lookouts. But you should still keep your guard up." Nue informed. "How'd you do that?" Jugo asked.

"My kekkei genkai allows me see things from far away, and things that aren't there. You know, things that may look invisible to the naked eye?" Nue explained.

Nue's POV

"Nice work. Let's go." Sasuke said. "Coming, Zetsu?" I asked the white one.

"What do you need me for?" He asked. "I need you to confirm which one his Danzo." Sasuke said. "He's an old man with bandages around his face who wears a dark robe and walks with a cane. You can't miss him. Apparently, he's the new Hokage until Tsunade recovers." I explained.

Everyone looked at me with shock. "What? I caught a glance of him while I was in prison." I said, bluntly. "Is there anything you can't do?" Suigetsu grinned. "Let's get a move on." I said, ignoring his questions while leading the way.

"Aren't you cold?" Karin asked. "I'm fine. This weather is quite comforting." I answered. Our footsteps crunched in the snow as we walked. As we were walking, Suigetsu wouldn't keep his mouth shut, making Karin argue with him.

"Just focus on the enemy's chakra positons, Karin." Sasuke said. "Hahaha! Busted!" Suigetsu teased while pointing at her. "Shut up!" Karin said. I sighed as I took out my gun. "You're really starting to get on my neves." I said, emotionlessly before shooting Suigetsu in the head.

"Dammit! Why do you keep shooting me?!" Suigetsu snapped. "Because you're a nuisance." I answered. "You should be more careful, Nue. Someone could've hear that shot for miles." Jugo said. "They didn't. Trust me." I said. "Let's keep moving." Sasuke said.

"Oh, come on! This is taking forever!" Suigetsu complained. I shot in the air just to shut everybody up. "Everyone... Grab onto me." I said. I held out my hand to Karin, in which she took it. Sasuke grabbed onto my shoulder, Suigetsu grabbed onto my other shoulder, Jugo held onto my arm, while Zetsu held my other wrist.

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