Chapter 66: Nue's Training Pt. 2

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I apologize for this EXTREMELY long chapter! But I hope you enjoy it!

It was week three of Nue's training and so far, Han has been teaching her a lot in taijutsu. Nue's offense was great, but her defense needed some work. "Stop." Han instrtucted as they stopped their taijutsu lesson. 

"What's the matter? Why'd we stop, Han-sensei?" Nue asked. "I've noticed your knuckles look a little bruised." He mentioned. "Yeah, so?" Nue asked with a raised brow.

"Back home, how often did you train?"

"All the time."

"Did you ever stop to take breaks?"

"No. If I'm gonna become strong, I had to learn to endure with pain."

"Even so, you should be more careful. You're still a child."

"You sound like my dad." Nue mumbled.

Han chuckled and gently petted the young girl's head. "Why don't we take a little break?" Han suggested. "Why? I can keep going." Nue said, but Han could see the dark bags forming under her eyes.

"I understand you wish to become strong, Nue. But you also have to rest so you'll be able to have the energy to train properly." Han explained. "But-"

"Nue," Tatsuo interrupted her. "You should do as your sensei says and not ask any questions." He said. Nue sighed. "Fine." Nue muttered.

While Nue took a nap, Han and Tatsuo talked amongst themselves. "I've never seen a child so determined to become strong." Han commented.

"Yeah, Nue's persistent that way. But the reason she's like that is because she blames herself for what happened to her mother. After she was attacked, Nue vowed that she'd get strong to protect the ones she loves. But I don't want her to go to such extremes." Tatsuo explained.

"Do you want me to stop training her?" Han asked as Tatsuo drank from his bottle of sake. "No, I don't want you to do that. Continue training her. I just hope all of it's worth it," Tatsuo looked back at Nue as she rolled on her left side.

"What am I saying? Of course it's going to be worth it, and I have you to thank for that." He said, smiling at Han, in which Han smiled back. But it was hard tell since the lower half of his face was covered.

After Nue's nap, she and Han got back to training, focusing on her taijutsu and speed. Both of them were giving it their all and neither of them were holding back. Han slammed his hand into Nue's chest, making her skid back on her feet as her hand clawed at the ground.

She dashed forward and went to punch him in the face, but he moved his head to the side so she missed. Nue quickly twisted her body, swinging her leg down on Han's shoulder. He grunted slightly, but Nue wasn't done yet.

She used her other leg to kick off Han's chest and did a backflip, her foot hitting him in the chin. She did a double backflip and landed on her hands and feet. "That was a good kick, Nue. Keep it up." Han encouraged her as he rubbed his chin.

"Han-sensei, exactly what is your armor made out of?" Nue asked. "Steel? Why do you ask? Are you hurt?" Han asked. "No, I was just wondering. Ne, can I have that kind of armor, too?" She said. "Slow your roll there, Nue. I don't think your little body can handle heavy armor." Tatsuo said, chuckling.

Nue frowned at him and stuck his tongue out.

(Time skip)

It was month two of Nue's training. She and Han were racing around the village, testing to see if Nue's speed had gotten any better, and it has. "I'm impressed. You're even faster than me." Han commented. "I couldn't have done it without you." Nue said.

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