Chapter 70: Saving Nue

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"What's gotten into Nue?" Naruto asked. "That's not our Nue-sama anymore. She must be under some kind of controlling jutsu, and I'm guessing he's the caster." Maria said, pointing at Madara. "He must be the reason why she wasn't waking up before." Sasuke stated. 

"What do we do? How do we get her out of his control?" Ino asked. "Wait a second. Maria, you can control people by making eye contact with them, right?" Shikamaru asked. "Yes." Maria nodded.

"Maybe if you can get close to Madara, you could probably make him undo the jutsu on Nue." He said. "Even if I could, I'd have to get as close to him as possible." Maria said. "I'll make a clone and have it assist you in case Madara tries to pull any strings." Hashirama offered. 

"Thank you, Lord First." Maria said. "All right! Now let's get our friend back!" Naruto said. "Hai!" Maira nodded in agreement.

Madara narrowed his eyes at the ninjas as they talked amongst themselves. "They're trying to formulate a plan to take Nue from me. But their plan won't get far," He said before looking at Nue. "Nue, take care of them for me." 

"Yes, Master." Nue replied and dashed towards the ninjas, her first target being Naruto. Luckily, Naruto saw her coming and was able to duck under her attack. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

A dozen clones of Naruto surrounded Nue as she stood there calmly, ready to fight all of them. "Get her!" One of the clones yelled before all of them charged at Nue. 

Nue was prepared as she took out two guns and began shooting at the clones. One of them aimed to punch her, but she jumped over him and shot it in the back. Nue did a front flip and slid across the ground, slipping between a clone's legs. 

She created a machine gun in her hand and shot at all the Naruto clones as she quickly got to her feet. Her plan was to get rid of all of the fakes and focus on getting to the real Naruto. Nue looked past a few clones she had let live and spotted the real Naruto. 

"Found you." Nue said before running towards the real Naruto while dodging or killing/disposing of Naruto's clones. As she got closer to Naruto, her weapon changed from a machine gun to a katana. "Nue-sama!" Maria called. "Nue-sama, onegai!"

Maria quickly got in front of Naruto, protecting him, just as Nue was about to stab him. "Nue-sama, please listen to me! Hear me!" Maira begged. "Ninja Art: Restraining Pillars!"

Just as Nue went to stab Maria, her body froze for some reason. "Nani?"

She noticed her body wasn't responding to her and she was forcefully flung back until her back smashed against the two stone pillars that were formed in an 'X' formation.

"Lord Third!" Maria said, looking at him, noticing he was the one who casted the jutsu. "Maria, if you can, reason with her! Maybe if she remembers you, she'll snap out of it!" Hiruzen said. "Yes, sir!" Maria nodded and faced Nue.

The restrained girl glared down at ninjas as she struggled to get free from the pillars. "Nue-sama, please! I know you're still in there! Hear my voice! Can you at least recognize me?" Maria called to Nue.

"Please... Try and remember. I miss you, Nue-sama. I also miss meeting that little girl who always had a smile on her face. Please, let me see her again. Let me see you again, Nue-sama. Come back to us!" Maria said.

Nue frowned as she struggled to free herself from the stone pillars. "Hmph. Surely, this isn't the best you can do, Nue. I know you can do better than that. Now, show me your true power." Madara said. As if hearing him, Nue's eyes flashed purple before raising her head.

With a loud scream, Nue used all her strength and broke free from the pillars. "Watch out!" Choji yelled as the pieces from the stone pillars came falling down. Everyone did their best to avoid the falling rocks and Hiruzen looked around. 

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