Chapter 69: Awake and Dangerous

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After the Hokage were revived and it was settled that they would help with the war, they headed towards the battlefield. "I'm amused." Hashirama said. "What do you mean?" Orochimaru asked. "The Houjuu girl in Jugo's arms. I'm amazed how she's able to sleep at a time like this." Hashirama explained.

"She looks dead if you ask me." Tobirama mentioned. "How could Nue sleep at a time like this?" Hiruzen asked. "Nue's under some kind of drug that's preventing her from waking up. We tried waking her up ourselves, none of our methods worked." Suigetsu explained.  

"We found her in a water tank with some sort of liquid going into her veins. Who ever did this to her wanted her to stay asleep, but for what reason?" Karin informed. "Do you know Nue, Lord Fourth? I've noticed you've been staring at her for quite some time now." Orochimaru mentioned.

"No... Not entirely. Nue's parents introduced her to Kushina and I when she was an infant." Minato explained. "Let's go before it's too late." Tobirama said.

"Right." Minato replied. Everyone headed towards the battlefield. 

They got there just in time as Minato stopped an attack by sending it to the lake.

"It's about damn time! I've been waiting, Hashirama!" Madara called with a smirk on his face. "I'll deal with you later!" Hashirama replied as he pointed at him. Madara seemed pretty disappointed and when he said that since he wasn't expecting that kind of response from him.

"First, I have to stop the Ten-Tails!" Hashirama explained. Madara sighed at his answer. "He hasn't changed a bit. We were never on the same page." He mumbled.

Moments after all four Hokages sealed in the Ten-Tails, Sasuke appeared with Nue over his shoulder. "You should took your time getting here, Sasuke." Naruto said with a smirk. His eyes immediately went from him to Jugo as he held her in a bridal style position.


"Nue-sama?" Maira ran over to Naruto and spotted Nue in Jugo's arms. "Nue-sama!" She shouted. Sasuke glanced over at Maria, remembering how she interfered with his and Nue's fight when they were in the academy.

"Maria Asanaki... I remember you. You were Nue's maid..." Sasuke said. "And I still am." Maria confirmed with a frown.

"You're still annoying as ever." Sasuke mentioned. "What have you done to my Mistress?" Maria commanded. "Don't worry, she's not hurt or anything. She's just... sleeping." Jugo explained.

"We don't know what's wrong with her. We found her unconscious in a tank filled with water and these tubes were attached to her body." Sasuke explained before telling everyone that he decided to protect the Leaf Village by deciding to become Hokage.

"Ha! Don't make me laugh, Uchiha! After everything you've done, you don't deserve to become Hokage!" Maria said, coldly. "Yeah, do you really think you can get away with what you've done?!" Kiba yelled.

While they were talking amongst themselves, Madara noticed the unconscious Nue was with them. "Damn, how did they find her? Well, at least they saved me the trouble of having to wait for her to get here. Well, seeing how the odds are, now is a better time than any." Madara mumbled to himself.

He performed a single hand sign while focusing on Nue. "Awaken!"

Nue's eyes instantly opened and glanced up at Jugo. He caught her looking at him and stared at her. "Nue? Whoa!"

Nue aimed to punch Jugo's face, but he was able dodge her attack. She jumped out of his hold and swept her leg under his feet, sending him to the ground. Nue dashed forward and punched Kiba in the stomach before spinning around, her foot kicking him in the jaw. 

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