Chapter 40: Conversations

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Due to how late it was, Maria was forced to leave the cell. "Goodbye, Nue-sama." Maria said with a bow. I waved she left. "Ibiki wants to have a word with you." The guard said. I gave a nod as I stood to my feet.

The guard opened my cell door and  walked into my cell with chakra-restraining cuffs. I held out my wrist and he put the cuffs on. "Let's go." He said, tugging me forward with a rope that was attached to the cuffs. "Hai." I walked with him as he led the way.

When we got to the interrogation room, they did the same thing they did earlier; They chained me to the table while Ibiki sat across from me. "Ready for our game to begin?" Ibiki asked. "Yes." I answered, calmly. "What is Akatsuki planning right now?" He said.

"I'm not sure. Now that the leader of the Akatsuki is dead, I'm fairly sure that everyone will go their separate ways. I guess that means no more capturing Jinchuriki. And there's also a member of the Akatsuki that isn't who he says he is. I don't even know how to explain it." I answered.

"Does he have a name?"

"Tobi. But he has another name, too. I just can't remember it at the moment."

"Do you know anything else?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Now that the leader of the Akatsuki is dead, what are you planning to do?"

"Hmm... That's a good question. To be honest, I don't really know. What do you think I should do?"

"Well, for one thing, considering the circumstances, you'll be sentenced to four months in prison. Once you've served your sentence, you'll be free to roam the village. However, you'll be under surveillance by the ANBU Black Ops."

"I suppose that's understandable. Is it possible if you could make my sentence a little bit longer? To six months perhaps?"

"Why longer?"

"Oh, come now, Ibiki. I think you already know why. You're not going soft on me, are you?"

I yawned while covering my mouth. "Well? Don't just stare at me like that? Aren't you going to ask me any more questions? Or are you running our of things to ask?" I said. "Hmm... Take her back to her cell." Ibiki said to the guard.

The guard unchained me from the table, cuffed me, then took me back to my cell. Once I was there, I stepped into my cell and the guard closed the door behind me. I put my hands through the bars so he could take the handcuffs off me.

After he left, I walked over to the corner of my cell and sat down, sighing. "Here," The guard came back with a set of clothes in his hands. "Put these on." He instructed. He handed me the clothes through the bars and I set them on the floor, starting to strip out of my clothes.

I stopped when I noticed the guard was watching. "Do you mind?" I said. "Huh? Oh, uh...! Sorry!" He said before quickly turning around. I giggled at his shyness as I proceeded to strip out of my clothes and change into the new ones. I'd like to refer to them as rags.

Once I was dressed, I handed the guard my clothes and he walked away. I went back over to the spot I was in and sat down, looking outside my barred window. "The moon... is so blue." I whispered.

When morning arrived, I got a few visitors. "Nue-chan!" I stood up as Naruto greeted me in front of my cell with the biggest smile on his face. "How's it going, Naruto?" I asked, smiling back at him. "I'm fine. But what about you? How are you holding up?" He asked.

"I'm fine." I answered. "So, how long did they say you'd be in here?" Kiba asked. "Well, Ibiki said, I'd be here for four months. But I told him, I should be in here for six months." I explained. "Six months?!" Kiba, Shikamaru, Naruto, and Choji said.

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