Chapter 43: Torture Session

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3rd Person's POV

The word was quickly spread as villagers talked amongst themselves about Nue's escape from the Leaf Village Prison.

"Hey, did you hear? Nue Houjuu escaped from the prison last night."

"Wow, really?"

"Yeah, can you believe it?"

"I knew we couldn't trust a monster."

"I saw it coming."

"At least she's out of the village."

"I hope she never comes back to the village."

"Yeah. Me, too."

As Naruto was walking by the gossiping villagers, he heard everything. He didn't want to believe it. In fact, he refused to believe it. There's no way Nue would escape like that. He quickly headed over to the prison to find out the truth.

Once he was there, he saw some jonin inside Nue's cell, examining the scene of her escape. "What's going on?" He asked Ibiki, who was also investigating the scene. "We're trying to find out how she was able to escape." He said.

Naruto thought back to when Nue was easily able to slip through the bars of the cell. But she wouldn't really escape. She told him that she would stay in prison until she served her sentence. That way, she would gain the villagers' trust. There's no way she'd violate that.

Something sparkled off the ground, which caught Naruto's eye. He walked inside Nue's cell and picked up the sparking object. "This is Nue's necklace. She's never taken this off. So, why..." Naruto trailed off as he gazed at the necklace.

That's when all the pieces started coming together. "She didn't escape." Naruto mumbled. "What was that?" Ibiki asked. "Nue-chan didn't escape. She couldn't have." Naruto said. "Look," He showed Ibiki the necklace Nue wore.

"This is Nue-chan's necklace. There's no way she'd abandon this." Naruto said. "So, what?" Ibiki asked. "What if Nue-chan didn't escape? What if... What if she was kidnapped?" Naruto asked. "If that's really the case, then who would kidnap her?" Ibiki asked.

And that's when Ibiki figured it out. He remembered Nue mentioning that there was someone else pulling the strings in Akatsuki. What if that someone pulling the strings was the one who kidnapped Nue? But what would they need her for? What did they plan to do with her? What was their plan?

Nue's POV

"Ow... My fucking head." I mumbled as I placed a hand over my head. I gasped when I remember I was taken away. I quickly sat up from whatever I was laying on and out of the room I was in. When I got outside, I was realized I was in the Eastern Hideout of the Akatsuki.

"Why... am I back here? What am I even doing here?" I frowned while gritting my teeth. "Welcome back, kiddo." Kisame greeted from behind. "Where's Tobi?" I demanded, glancing back at him.

"Dunno." He answered. "Don't play dumb!" I snapped. I turned around, grabbing the front of his cloak with both hands. "Tell me where he is! Now!" I ordered. "I'm telling you the truth. I don't know where he is. He just comes and goes." Kisame said as he took my hands off his cloak.

I shoved past him and went back inside the hideout. "When I find that mask-wearing bastard, I'm gonna kill him." I said, coldly. I search the whole damn hideout until I got to the huge training room. Okay, it's actually more of an arena than a room.

"Tobi! Come on out, you bastard! Show yourself!" I shouted throughout the room. "Nue." Kisame said from behind as he stood near the door. "What, Kisame?" I snapped.

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