Chapter 60: For Her

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Hotaru's POV

I grunted as I tried to break free of the chains that held my wrists and ankles. My body was held like an 'X', so it was harder for me to break free. "Just give it up, Hotaru. You're never going to break free. Those chains are made out of pure Kiragani metal." Madara told me.

"What do you want with my daughter? What do you plan on doing to her?" I demanded while glaring at him.

"Nothing special. I'm just going to brainwash her and have her be my ultimate ninja weapon. Once I rule this Shinobi World, Nue will be there by my side. Heh... It'll be like having an adorable little pet around the house." Madara chuckled.

"You bastard! You keep your filthy hands off my daughter!" I snapped. "Madara, she's here." Zetsu informed, making me gasp. "No..." I whispered in terror. I looked towards the entrance as I saw Nue walking towards us.

"Nue, no! Get away from here! Now!" I called to her. Nue didn't say anything as she stood there with a frown. "I'm here. Now, let my mother go." Nue commanded.  "I was beginning to think you weren't going to show." Madara mentioned.

"I don't sense anyone else with her." Kabuto informed. "You're such a good girl you are, Nue." Madara said. "Just let her go, and I'm all yours. But you have to promise me that no harm will brought to my mother. You must give me your word." Nue said.

"Nue, listen to me! Don't do this! Just run away before it's too late!" I called to her, but she ignored me. Nue looked at me, then at Madara. "Give me your word, Madara." Nue ordered, her glare darkening. "You have my word." Madara said.

"Then, let her go." She commanded. Madara snapped his fingers and the shackles around my wrists and ankles released me, allowing me to fall to the floor. "Mom!" Nue ran over to me to make sure I was okay, kneeling down on one knee.

"Are you okay?" She asked. "Yes, I'm fine." I confirmed. "Let's go. We don't have all day here." Madara said, impatiently. Nue frowned at him before looking at me. "Anything else you wish to say before you leave your mother once and for all?" Zetsu asked her.

"Yeah. I do," Nue closed her eyes for a moment as she rose to her feet before opening them. Madara... You should've seen this coming from a mile away. Now!"

I looked up and gasped as I saw Megumi attack Madara from above with her claw-like nails. He leaped back, trying to get away from her. "This is what happens when you fuck with the wrong people, Madara!" Megumi yelled as she tried to scratch him.

"Jugo, Suigetsu! Now!" Nue called. They came out of nowhere and began to attack Kabuto. Nue quickly joined in as the three of them fought Kabuto. I guess Megumi didn't need help because she was that strong to handle Madara. 

"Come on, let's get you out of here," Karin quickly helped me to my feet as she held my side and had my arm over her neck. "I don't understand. How... are you all here?" I asked as she helped me out of the hideout. "I'll explain later. Right now, we need to get you out of here." She said, leading me out of the hideout.

"But Nue... She's..." I trailed off as I looked back at my daughter while she fought. Nue got kicked in the chest and slid on her back. But she didn't give up as she got back on her feet and began fighting again.

"Hotaru, I promise Nue will be fine. But right now, we have to get you out of here." Karin said. "This is all my fault..." I murmured. I didn't want any of this. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. "I'm so sorry..." I said to Karin.

I got out of her hold and flew forward. "Hotaru, where are you going?" Karin called. I didn't answer as I continued to fly forward. "This was a mistake. A big mistake." I said to myself. I went around the hideout, near the back entrance.

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