Chapter 72: A Mixture of Sympathy and Empathy

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Naruto's POV

"What the...?!" Some sort of light was coming from where the real Madara was. "This chakra... This can't be..." I trailed off. "Nue's chakra." Sasuke said, finishing my sentence for me. "Yeah, I can feel it." Sakura agreed.

"What's happening over there?" I asked, then looked at Eun as she had stopped fighting. "Eun, what's wrong?" I asked. "It's her... Nue..." She faced me and I saw tears trailing down her face. "Nue's crying... Why?" She asked, quietly. "Something... is definitely wrong."

Orochimaru's POV

"Karin, Suigetsu. Stay with Tsunade. I'm leaving now." I informed. "Huh? Where are you going?" Suigetsu asked. "To save Nue. I can feel her chakra; It's unstable and dangerously increasingly at a tremendous pace." I informed.

"He's right. Nue's chakra is definitely not right." Karin said. "What's happened to her? Why is her chakra unstable?" Suigetsu asked. "She's probably witnessed a loss." I said. "A loss?" Karin repeated. "Do you know what Nue's species is?" I asked.

"Of course. She's a nue."

"Like her name?" Suigetsu asked.

"A nue is a very rare being that humans believed to be myth. When I was affiliated with the Leaf, Tsuande and Jiraiya thought nues didn't exist, but I believed they did exist. After we came across the Houjuu Clan, I began to study nues. They had many abilities, but the one thing that they were not capable of was handling their emotions. In fact, toying with their emotions was dangerous. Now that I think about it, Nue was never good at handling her emotions, let alone handling a loss," I said.

We all looked towards the sky when a bolt of lightning was struck towards the area of the war. "Judging by the amount of power coming from Nue's direction, I take it she's definitely just witnessed a loss, somebody dear to her probably." I guessed.

'At this rate, Nue will kill anyone in sight. I've got to get her to snap out of it' I thought. "Stay with Tsunade. I'll be right back." I said before running off to find Nue.

When I got to where Nue was, I saw her in her curse mark form as she was fighting the first and second Hokage. Meanwhile, Madara was just standing there, casually. He must be the cause of Nue's instability. I looked at the ground, noticing Maria's corpse.

"No doubt, he's the one who killed her," I turned my attention to the first and second Hokage. "It seems you two are having trouble." I mentioned. "We don't need your criticism right now, Orochimaru." Hashirama said with a frown.

"Since you're here, why don't you help us out?" Tobirama suggested. "You need not worry. Just let me handle Nue. But I have to get lead far away from her as possible. With the state she's in, she'll hurt everyone in sight. Or even kill them." I informed.

Nue attempted to attack Hashirama until I got in front of him and stopped her punch. "Don't do this, Nue. It's me you want. Not them." I said, trying to convince her. Nue only glared at me and scratched my arm with her tiger paw.

I leaped back and gripped my wound as blood ran down my arm to my hand. "Looks like giving you that curse mark was a bad idea. You're stronger than you need to be. Come, let's settle this someplace where it's just the two of us." I said with a smirk.

I ran off as Nue ran after me without hesitation. When we were far off from the battlefield, Nue tackled me from behind and twisted my arm behind my back, making me grunt in pain. "Definitely a bad idea of giving you that curse mark." I said, smirking at my own bad decision.

I smashed the back of my head into her face, making get off me and grab at her face while growling. While she was occupied, I got up and looked at Nue as she still had a hold of her face. I must've hit her harder than I thought.

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