Chapter 68: Discovered

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While Nue was having her flashbacks, Itachi and Sasuke had just finished their fight with Kabuto. When the battle was over, Itachi made Kabuto undo Edo Tensei. All the trapped souls of the cursed jutsu were released as they floated to heaven.

Unfortunately, Edo Tensei didn't affect Madara as he still remained whole. Before Deidara was released, instead of going to Heaven, he traveled to where Nue was being held to make sure she was okay. When he found her, he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Oh, kitten... What did they do to you?" He asked, sadly. Deidara stared at Nue through the tank as she slept. "If only I had stayed by your side... None of this would've happen if I had just stayed with you. I shouldn't have left you, Nue. I'm sorry, un." Deidara said.

He placed his hand on the glass as he floated towards the ceiling, going to heaven. Deidara regrets blowing himself up as he left the love of his life by herself, scared and alone. He wish he could go back in time and stop himself from taking his own life, but he knew he couldn't for it was too late for him now.

Just as Sasuke wondered what to do next, the wall burst open, causing him to leap back. "Ha! Found ya!" Suigetsu said with a grin. "Sasuke!" Karin frowned as she spotted her old teammate. "What are you doing here, anyway?" Suigetsu asked.

"Putting a stop to the Reanimation Jutsu." Sasuke answered. Jugo looked around, trying to see if Nue was anywhere in the room. "What are you guys doing here?" Sasuke asked them. "We're looking for Nue. Karin says, she felt her chakra here. She must've sensed wrong because I don't see her anywhere." Suigetsu said, looking around.

"She's got to be here. I can still feel her chakra." Karin said. "Nue's not here." Sasuke told them. "But how can that be when I can feel her chakra?" She asked. "Maybe she's hiding. Oi, Nue! You can come out now! You don't need to hide anymore!" Suigetsu called throughout the hideout.

"I already told you. She's not here. If she was, she would've kicked my ass." Sasuke said. "That's right. Nue still hates you for killing her big brother." Jugo said, referring to Itachi. He spotted Anko and walked over to her.

"She's still alive." He murmured. "Oi, Nue! Where are you? Karin says you're here, so show yourself! Come on, where are you?" Suigetsu continued to call for Nue. "Nue's got to be here. She just has to be." Karin said.

"Hmm..." Sasuke looked around, wondering if Nue was just hiding and waiting for the right moment to strike since he knows how much she hates him. "Maybe she's passed out somewhere." Jugo suggested as he brought Anko's body over to them.

"Then, let's search the place until we find her." Karin said. "Ow!" Something fell from the ceiling and landed on Suigetsu's head.

"What the hell? What's this doing here?" Suigetsu said, picking up the scroll. "That's Hotaru's scroll." Karin said, recognizing it. "Hotaru?" Sasuke repeated. "Hotaru-san is Nue's mother." Jugo explained.

"I thought Nue was the last of her clan?" He asked. "Her mother survived the attack, but... she died, trying to protect us all." Jugo informed. "How did her scroll get here?" Karin asked as she looked through Hotaru's scroll. "That means Nue must be close by." Jugo said as Karin handed him the scroll. 

"Why are you all so obsessed with Nue, anyway? She's not here!" Sasuke said. "She is here!" Karin argued. He noticed how persistent she was in finding Nue and looked over at Anko. "Maybe he knows where she is." Sasuke mentioned.

"Eh? Who?" Suigetsu asked.


"Huh?! What are you talking about?! You already killed Ororchimaru, remember?"

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