Chapter 38: Catching Up With An Old Friend

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Nue's POV

I sat next to Jiraiya as the two of us sat on the floor. Was this another dimension or am I in my own head again? Everything around us was completely white, so it had to be another dimension. My knees were pulled to my chest as I stared at the white floor in front of me.

"Nue," Jiraiya tried getting my attention, but I didn't respond, nor did I look at him as I stared at the white floor. "Nue," He repeated. I didn't say anything. "Nue, you haven't said anything in a while now." Jiraiya mentioned.

"I know." I said, quietly. "Is there anything you want to talk about? I've never seen you like this before." He stated.  "Because I'm thinking... and grieving." I answered. "Grieving?" Jiraiya repeated. "I lost some friends today, Jiraiya-san,"

I looked at the white ceiling and blinked my eyes. "All I wanted... was to be accepted as one of you. But now... all I want is to die." I said.

"Why?" Jiraiya asked. "Because family will stay with you forever in death." I answered, glancing at him. "Family is still with you in life, Nue." He said with a smile. I looked at him before looking at the white floor. "Jiraiya-san... Why did you try to kill me?" I asked.

"What are you talking about?" He asked. "Pein told me you came to the Akatsuki hideout with a weapon called the Blade of Kiranagi. He said, it was the only weapon that bring permanent damage to my kind." I explained.

"Nue, I've never heard of a blade like that until now. I've never even seen what it looks like." Jiraiya said. "Why are you lying to me?" I demanded with a frown. "I would never lie to you, Nue. I never tried to kill you." He answered, calmly. 

"Yes, you did!" I snapped as I stood to my feet. "Why did you try to kill me, Jiraiya? Do you despise me that much? Do I not deserve a chance to live like the rest of you? I didn't ask to be born like this! It's just who I am! It's not my fault I was born this way, so stop blaming every goddamn thing on me!" I shouted, angrily.

 Jiraiya stood up as he quickly embraced me, causing me to freeze in place. "Nue, I swear I would never try to hurt you. You're special to me. Both you and Naruto are special to me." He said, softly. My eyes widened as tears ran down my cheeks.

"You really are telling the truth... aren't you?" I whispered. "Like I said, I would never lie to you." Jiraiya said. My arms slowly wrapped around Jiraiya's back as I began to cry into his shoulder. "Jiraiya-san... I'm so sorry. I'm such an idiot." I said as I figured it out.

Pein lied to me so I wouldn't leave Akatsuki, and I fell for his trick. "I forgive you, Nue." Jiraiya said, still hugging me. "No," I shook my head. "I don't deserve forgiveness. Not after what I've done to my friends." I said.

I hugged him tighter as I closed my eyes tightly, more tears escaping my eyes. "It's going to be okay now, Nue." Jiraiya said as he held the back of my head. I opened my eyes and spotted someone from afar.

"Jiraiya-san, who's that?" I asked, staring at the person. He hummed in confusion as I broke the hug, pointing at the person I was staring at.

 He hummed in confusion as I broke the hug, pointing at the person I was staring at

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