Chapter 36: Naruto vs. Pein

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After I buried my pets near the cemetery, I place a flame rose that would never wither on their graves, then walked back into the destroyed village. "What's the point of even living anymore when all I do is lose people?" I asked myself.

I looked up towards the sky, letting a tear roll down my cheek. I had let my wings and tails out, not caring who saw them now. "I can't lose Pein. I have to be there by his side and protect him. I can't afford to lose any more people." I said to myself.

I put my wolf mask over my face before slowly levitating into the air and flew off to find Pein. It didn't take me very long to find him as I spotted him with Naruto and some toads. But why is the Chief Toad here when Jiraiya is dead? I hovered over Pein's clones as I saw Naruto throw a Rasen Shuriken at Pein.

Chikushodo won't be able to dodge that. "Look out!" I called. I flew down to her and tackled her out of the way. I looked back at the attack as it expanded. It expanded?! I slid arcoss the ground as I had hold of Chikushodo. I looked back at the other Pein.

Chikushodo got out of my hold and slammed her hand on the ground. "Summoning Jutsu!"

She summoned a bird and it dove at Naruto. He jumped on top of it, getting out of the way. He landed on the ground and looked over at Chief Toad. He and his subordinates were dealing with the four headed dog summonings as they had split themselves into separate bodies.

Chikushodo began to fight Naruto with her metal rod. They both skidded back and stared at each other. I want to help Naruto, but I also want to help Pein. What do I do? I shielded the eye holes of my mask as dirt was shot at me. When it died down, I lowered my hands a bit.

Where did Chikushodo go? I leaped over to Pein. "Sir, I can't find Chikushodo." I informed. He looked around, trying to find her and Naruto. I looked at Chief Toad when he let out a small burp. Are they... in his mouth?

The summonings poofed away. Chief Toad opened his mouth and Naruto came tumbling out along with Chikushodo. She lied on the ground, on her stomach, unmoving. "Chikushodo!" I teleported over to her, grabbed her body, and teleported back over to Pein.

I set her on the ground and checked her pulse. "She's dead, sir." I informed Pein. I looked over at Naruto, who was panting. "You've exhausted all your Sage Jutsu." Pein noticed. I stared at Naruto. What is he thinking now?

"Finally. Here's my chance. Nue, stay here." Pein commanded before charging at Naruto. I watched as Naruto took the giant scroll of his back and ran the other way. Chief Toad slammed his sword down on Pein, but missed as Pein jumped up and ran up his arm.

He jumped off his shoulder and continued to run towards Naruto. Chief Toad kept swiping at him like he was some kind of fly. Pein kicked off Chief Toad's head and landed a few feet in front of Naruto. Fukasaku jumped next to Naruto and told him give him the scroll.

Once Naruto did that, he began to fight Pein with close hand-to-hand combat. Fukasaku opened the scroll and slammed his hand on it. Naruto stood there as Pein ran at him with his rod. 'He's going to stab him!' I realized. "Naruto, move!" I called to him.

Why did I say that? Did I really want him to win this battle? I don't even know anymore. He blocked Pein's attack, breaking the rod to pieces. Whoa, how did he do that? I looked at his eyes. He's back in Sage Mode! But how? I thought he exhausted all his Sage Jutsu?

He fought Pein again with close hand-to-hand combat. Pein was able to keep up with him, then let his guard up when Naruto kicked the side of his face. Pein went flying back, sliding on the ground until he stopped in front of my feet. I looked down at him, then at Naruto.

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