Chapter 47: Working Together

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The next day, Megumi pushed me around the hideout in my wheelchair, trying to act casual. We headed to the entrance until we were stopped by Tobi. "Where do you think you're going with her, Megumi?" He demanded in his dark tone.

Megumi and I glanced back at him until I looked at Megumi. "Just like we planned." I whispered to her. Megumi gulped down her fear, then gave a nod. "I'm just taking Nue-kun out for a stroll. She's been cooped up in this hideout all the time. It's not really healthy for her." Megumi explained.

"Nue's not going anywhere outside the hideout." Tobi said as he walked over to us. "Oh, come on. Nue-kun's not gonna go anywhere. Her legs are broken, remember? Besides, thanks to that Kiragani stuff, her powers are gone for a while." Megumi said as Tobi stood in front of her.

Tobi looked at me as I kept my emotionless gaze, then at Megumi. "Make sure you don't let her out of your sight, Megumi. Have her back here in an hour." He ordered. "Hai." Megumi replied before taking me away.

"Nice job, Megumi." I praised. She grinned at me and continued our way into the woods. When we were far away from the hideout, we found a perfect spot to do the training.

"All right, it took us fifteen minutes to find this place. That means it will take us fifteen minutes to get back." Megumi said. "That doesn't leave us with much time." I stated. "Yeah, I know. So, what are we gonna do?" She asked.

I closed my eyes and thought for a second. "Okay, I've got it. I'll do what I need to do for the remaining time we have. But it shouldn't be a problem as I'm recovering." I explained. "What about Tobi? Isn't he gonna keep hurting you?" Megumi asked.

"Most likely. But he knows the healing process is slow due to the Kiragani, so there's a possibility and some hope he won't bother me." I said. "And what if he does? It could take you even longer to heal." She pointed out.

"Let me worry about that. For now, let's just do what we need to do." I said. "Roger that." Megumi replied before jumping into the trees to explore. While she was doing that, I began doing sit-ups.

After I did about two hundred of them, I lied down on the grass, staring up at the starry night sky. "What are you doing, Nue-kun?" Megumi asked as she stood over me. "Taking a little break. Did you find anything?" I asked.

"Not yet. I didn't search the whole area. Do you need help with anything?" She asked. "No, I'm fine. Thanks." I said. I glanced down at my bruised and bandaged legs. "Actually, I could use your help on one thing." I mentioned.

"Sure. Name it." Megumi said. "How good are you with physical therapy?" I asked. Megumi blinked before grinning at me.

I grunted slightly as Megumi gently lifted my knee back. "It's bound to hurt from time to time, Nue-kun. Physical therapy is never easy." She reminded me. "Is it ever?" I joked. Megumi smiled at me and worked on my other leg for a while.

"We should start heading back before Tobi gets suspicious." I suggested. "Right." Megumi agreed. She helped me back into my wheelchair and we headed back to the hideout. 

"Right on time." Tobi said as we approached the hideout. I kept my emotionless gaze as we went past him.

"Ne, Tobi. Would it be okay if I took Nue-kun outside ever once and a while? You know, so she could get some fresh air. Better yet, how about I be her caretaker? I'm sure you're a busy person and all. Why not let me handle Nue-kun for a bit? At least until she's better and able to take of herself." Megumi said.

"Hmm..." Tobi looked at me as I emotionlessly stared at the wall. "Come on, Tobi. Nue-kun's basically a messy ever since you broke her. She's lost her mobility to talk or do anything. She looks like a puppet with strings." Megumi explained.

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