Chapter 16: Akatsuki vs. Leaf Village Ninja

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"Quit sticking it in like that. I said, knock it off. That hurts." Hidan whined. "What is this? Is he immortal or something?" Izumo asked. "Isn't that obvious, you fool? Now then, once again. Who are you people?" Hidan asked before looking over at Asuma.

"They're damn Leaf Village ninja." I said. "Hey, Nue. Get a load of this." Hidan said. "Get a load of what?" I asked. He looked at Asuma and I followed his gaze. Nothing looked different about him. "What about him?" I asked him. He sighed.

"Look at the symbol he's wearing. That's from the Guardian Shinobi something or other. Oh, terrific. Looks like I have to go back into that stinky collection office." Hidan groaned. I looked at Asuma. Back at the village, when I was "innocent", Asuma was like a father to me.

Too bad he was only pretending. "We are shinobi of the Leaf Village. Our orders are to capture or eliminate you Akatsuki." Asuma said to us. "How charming." I said, rolling my eyes. "We already know you usually operate in pairs," Asuma continued.

"My original idea was to take down one of you first, then capture the other. But I guess that plan's gonna have to change." He said, taking out his weapons. I narrowed my eyes at him while Hidan chuckled.

"Not your lucky day. I'm afraid you chose the wrong one of us to start with." He said. "You're partner, where is he?" Asuma demanded. I smirked and looked towards Shikamaru. Kakuzu came out of nowhere and went to punch Shikamaru, causing the Shadow Possession Jutsu to retreat.

"I'm free of his jutsu." I heard Hidan say. "Kotestsu, Izumo! Retreat!" Asuma called to them. The quickly retreated and jumped by Asuma and Shikamaru. I leaped into the air and landed next Hidan. "Are you alright?" I asked Hidan.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." He answered. "Well, well. For once you struck gold, Hidan." Kakuzu said. Hidan wielded his scythe so it went back to him. "Kakuzu, Nue. Just stay out of this, all right? I want these three for my ritual. You can have them after." Hidan said.

I took one of the blades out of Hidan's body. "Be careful, Hidan." I warned and leaped near Kakuzu. "Very well. But don't get careless, or you're dead." Kakuzu warned.

"Not that again. Knock it off, will you?" Hidan said. I watched as he began to write the symbol of his Jashinist necklace he wore around his neck in his own blood. "Believe me, I wish someone would kill me. But that's... not possible." Hidan said as he finished writing the symbol.

"Have you finished strategizing?" Hidan asked them before pulling other blade out of his body. "Ow, that really hurts. What pest you are. Poking me right and left. The God shall punish those who doesn't understand the pain of others." Hidan said.

I've never seen Hidan fight alone before. I wonder if his fighting style is different from when he's fighting with Kakuzu? This might be interesting to watch. Asuma made his blades glow as Hidan got in position. The match finally began after they stared at each other for a while.

The two of them charged at each other and their weapons clashed. Hidan jumped in the air to prevent from getting caught in Shikamaru's shadow, then Hidan's scythe went for Asuma. "Asuma!" Shikamaru called to him.

Asuma dodged the scythe and charged at Hidan again while Hidan did the same, his scythe in hand. "Come on. Get to him." I heard Shika say. Hidan growled in irritation when his scythe didn't scratch Asuma. I don't blame him.

I would be pretty mad, too, if things didn't go the way I planned them. Hidan jumped in the air again, trying to get away from Shikamaru's shadow stitches. "Dammit!" Shikamaru said. "No, you don't!" Hidan said. He made his scythe go for Asuma again.

"Oh-no." I heard Asuma say. He got in meditation stance, almost matching Chiriku's. "That stance..." I said. Kakuzu noticed it, too. "There's that stance again." Hidan said. A glowing hand blocked Hidan's attack and hit Hidan in the stomach.

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