Chapter 75: Lost

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The war was finally over and the village was at peace once again. Everything was back to normal.

All except for one thing... Nue was gone. 

A funeral was held for her  for her bravery and loyalty to the Leaf Village. Just as they were about to bury her, they heard a sound come from her casket. Everyone stared at casket as they heard the repeated pounding noise coming from inside Nue's casket. 

Everyone walked up one by one, placing a flower on Nue's casket. Karin walked up and placed her flower on the casket as tears streamed down her face. "Nue..." She gritted her teeth to prevent her from sobbing and making a scene while Suigetsu placed his hand on her shoulder. 

Orochimaru stared at Nue's casket as he remembered her for the ninja she is. Nue was the last of the Houjuu Clan and her dream was to be accepted for who she is. All she wanted... was to live like humans, to walk and laugh with them.

 But now she can finally reach her dreams in one place where she could finally be free. Just as they were about to bury Nue, everyone either screamed or gasped when a fist broke through the casket, slowly flexing its fingers

"What the?!" Sakura yelled. The lid of the casket was pushed off as Nue sat up from the casket. "Nue-chan! You're alive!" Naruto cheered, happily. He ran over to her as she got out of the casket and hugged her.

"Thank goodness! I thought we lost you forever! I'm so happy you're back! But how is this possible? Were your wounds able to heal even after the damage?" Naruto asked. Nue gently grabbed his shoulders and pushed him away before walking past him.

"Nue-chan?" Naruto looked at her as she continued to walk away. She was dressed in a white funeral kimono while she walked on the soft grass with her bare feet. "Nue, where are you going?" Kakashi asked, stopping her as he grabbed her shoulder.

He turned her around as Nue stared straight ahead, then slowly looked up at Kakashi. Her eyes were dazed while she looked as if she was lost or tired. "We need to take her to the Tsunade immediately." Kakashi said.

"Why? What's wrong with her?" Hinata asked. Kakashi didn't respond since he didn't have the answer.

After Nue was immediately taken to Tsunade and find out about her condition. She sat in a hospital bed while Tsunade had her hand over her head as it glowed green. Everyone watched anxiously as they waited to hear what Nue's condition was. 

When Tsunade was done, her hand stopped glowing and rested by her side. "Well?" Kakashi asked. "There's nothing phsyically wrong with her body, but it looks like she doesn't have any consciousness. It's likes her soul is lost." Tsunade explaiend. "Lost?" Sakura repeated. 

"Nue was stabbed with a sword made from Kiragani. The substance must've traveled from her heart to her brain, creating a virus. This must've turned off her awareness." Tsunade explained. "So, Nue has... no consciousness?" Kiba asked, in which Tsunade nodded her head. 

"What about Eun? She fused with Nue during the war. Do you think she could do something abotu Nue's condition?" Naruto asked. "She could if we were able to make contact with her. But with the state Nue's in, she probably lost along with Nue's soul. Tsunade said.

"So... what do we do?" Shikamaru asked. "For now, all we can do is wait. I'll have her stay here in the hospital until-"

"No," Orochimaru interupted her. "Karin and I will look after Nue. We'll take her back to her house." He offered. "Say what?!" Everyone yelled. "I won't do anything to her, and why would I? Especially with the state she's in?" Orochimaru said. 

Tsunade narrowed her eyes at himTsunade didn't feel comfortable letting Orochimaru take care of Nue. For all she knew, he could end experimenting on her. But she looked into Orochimaru's eyes, it told her that he wouldn't do anything to Nue.

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