Chapter 51: Heartless Sasuke, Compassionate Nue

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"Your wounds... They're not healing!" Karin noticed. "The blade Madara stabbed me with did more damage to me than I thought. But it... serves me right. It's my fault why this happened. I guess... this is punishment... for my actions." I said, smirking weakly. 

"Don't say that! You're going to be okay! I won't let you die like this!" Karin said. I gently placed my hand on her cheek and smiled. "Karin, please. Just do as I say. Forget about me... and take care of Sasuke. You must... or Madara will hurt you." I said to her.


"I'm your guardian angel. I don't want anything to happen to you because of me."

I gave her weak and reassuring smile. More tears escaped Karin's eyes as she placed both of her hands over mine as it was still resting her cheek. "Heal Sasuke. Please. I'll be okay." I lied as my hand slipped off her cheek, gently hitting the ground.

"Go. Hurry." I said. Karin gave a small nod and wiped her eyes with her Akatsuki sleeve, then went back over to Sasuke's side.

I weakly smiled at her and turned on my side, my back facing them. Am I going to die here? But I can't die. I promised... my family... I promised Naruto...

I felt my eyelids getting heavier as I tried to keep them open. Eventually, I gave up trying to keep my eyes open and welcomed darkness.

Kyo's POV

After I took Suigetsu and Jugo someplace safe, I headed back to the Summit to find Nue. I found Gaara and his siblings talking with Naruto as they were telling him the whole story how Sasuke and Nue were at the Summit and about a plan a man named Madara Uchiha spoke of.

"You've got half the story right." I said, approaching them. "Who are you?" Naruto sked. "I'm one of Nue's summonings, Kyo." I introduced. "He was here right before Nue ran off." Gaara explained.

"I have something to tell you about your pal, Sasuke. He's so obsessed with revenge, he doesn't even care about his own team anymore. He nearly killed his comrades and Nue. All he seeks now is the darkness of his own will." I informed

"That can't be." Naruto denied. "It's the truth." I said. "We've relayed the message. Our job is done. Let's go home, Gaara." Temari said. "Well, I've done my job. I'm off. See ya." I said before walking away on my hands and feet.

3rd Person's POV

After Madara defeated the guards, he appeared in his own world to find Sasuke awake and healed while Nue laid on the floor, unconscious. It was unknown if she was dead or alive. He went over to Sasuke as the Uchiha stared at him.

"Let me out of here." Sasuke commanded. "All right. Don't fret. That's just what I'm about to do. I even have a present for you waiting outside." Madara said to him. He walked back over to Nue and went to check for a pulse until Nue's eyes suddenly snapped open.

"No... I can't give up... Not now... I have to... get out of here." She said as she weakly lifted her head. She began to crawl forward in attempt to escape Madara's world. Madara smirked behind his mask as he watched Nue's determination.

Before she could crawl any further, Madara stepped on her back, pinning her to the ground. He pulled out chakra-restraining cuffs and placed them around Nue's wrists.

Nue looked at her wrists, seeing that they were cuffed, then exhaustedly rested her head on the ground, blacking out, as if she was giving up. Once Madara had all three of the ninjas, he brought them back to the real world while Madara held Nue under his arm.

Waiting for them, was none other than Danzo. As Sasuke faced him, he activated his Sharingan. "So, you're here, Sasuke Uchiha." Danzo said, acknowledging his appearance. "You. Stay back. You'll die if you get involved." Madara advised Karin.

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