Chapter 58: The Return of Manda

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I looked through scroll after scroll, mastering each and every one of them. "Hey, Nue. Take a look at this." Suigetsu said. "What is it? What did you find?" I asked. "There's a jutsu that allows you to transform into anything or anyone." He said, showing me the contents of the scroll.

"So, basically, it's like shapeshifting."

"I guess so. Wanna give it a try?"

"Sure. Why not?"

Suigetsu held up the scroll in front of me and I began to copy the hand signs. "The scrolls says, I have to think about what I want to shapeshift into as I'm doing the hand signs." I informed Suigetsu. "Okay, then just think about what you want to transform into." He replied.

I gave a nod and started to think I wanted to transform into. When I got the image, I did the hand signs and focused. "Whoa!" Suigetsu lost his balance and fell on the floor as I transformed into Nekomata. "What the heck?! Why'd you transform into a cat?!" He yelled.

"Because I wanted to. The scroll did say I'm allowed to transform into anything. Plus, it's been a while since I last saw him." I stated. "Hahahaha! You should've seen your face, Suigetsu!" Megumi laughed. "Yeah, haha. Laugh it up." Suigetsu said as he got off the ground.

I went back to my original appearance and flipped my long hair back. "This jutsu could actually come in handy. I could trick the enemy into thinking I'm one of their comrades." I said as I rolled up the scroll. "Now, that's using your head." Suigetsu grinned.

"Let's keep working."

I trained my ass off with everyone as I worked on ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu. Practicing taijutsu was especially hard because fighting Jugo was not easy to take down. And he wasn't even in his curse mark form! Genjutsu was semi-hard because it took up a lot of my chakra.

I didn't think trapping people in a genjutsu would take up so much chakra. "Hey, Nue. Other than Kyo, how many summonings do you have?" Suigetsu asked.

"Hmm... Not sure. Quite a few, I guess. It's been a while. Are you saying I should summon one of my summonings other than Kyo?" I asked. "Not exactly. I was just wondering." He admitted. "Or you were trying to flirt with her." Karin mumbled.

After going through at least twenty more scrolls, I helped everyone how to shoot from a gun while my mother watched. As Karin, Jugo, Suigetsu, and Megumi shot at the targets I set up, I walked behind them, observing their progress.

I noticed Suigetsu was holding his gun sideways, trying to act cool. But he was missing the target. "Don't try to act cool, Suigetsu. Just hold the gun properly." I said as I stood behind him. "Yeah, got it." He said, and held the gun properly.

I looked over at Jugo as he was shooting right on target. "Nice job, Jugo. You're a natural." I said, smiling calmly. Jugo smiled at me and continued to shoot at the target. I went over to Karin to examine her progress and noticed she was improving greatly.

"Keep it up, Karin. You're doing well." I said. "Thanks." She replied. I went over to Megumi as she was concentrating on her target. "Take your time, Megumi. Remember to steady your breathing." I reminded her.

Megumi gave a nod and looked at a snake that was sitting on a branch. She smirked before aiming her gun at the snake. "Don't even think about it!" I said, pushing her gun out of range. "Aww! Come on, Nue-kun! I had that!" She whined.

"You're not harming that snake!" I snapped. "Keep in mind that Nue is deeply in love with snakes." Mom reminded her. "I know that, but it's just a snake." Megumi said. 

"If you harm her favorite animal, Nue will show no mercy on you. That just proves how much she loves snakes." Mom said. "Doesn't Nue have any snake summonings?" Karin asked. "No, why?" I asked her. "I bet if she could, she could summon Manda." Megumi said.

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