Chapter 18: The Plan

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Nue's POV

I slowly opened my eyes as I began to regain consciousness. "Finally. You're awake," I sat up and found my twin standing a few feet away from me as a light breeze blew through her hair. She looked as if she was staring off into space.

"You really are an idiot." She mentioned. I stood to my feet and walked over to her. "Where are we?" I asked. "In your mind." She answered. "Why is everything white?" I asked.

"Because this is the blank part of your mind. I don't really find it surprising since you're that clueless sometimes." She mentioned. I rolled my eyes at her comment.

"What are we doing here?"

"We need to talk."

"About what?"

"Your reckless actions."

"I'm sorry?"

She sighed and faced me. "You do realize you were about to kill Shikamaru, right?" She said. "Of course I was. That was the plan. At least until you got in my way. What was that about, anyway? Why did you protect him?" I demanded.

"Because it wasn't time to kill him." She said. "Huh?" I looked at her confused. "Remember when you nearly killed Kakashi during that bell test? Remember how I told you it wasn't time to kill him yet?" She asked.

"Mm-hm." I answered. "It's the same reason why I stopped you from killing Shikamaru. It wasn't time for to kill him yet." She explained. "What do you mean? When will be the right time to kill him? Why do you always stop me from doing my job?" I demanded, angrily.

"You'll know when the time comes, my clueless twin. But don't worry, I have a plan. Just be patient a little while longer." She said, chuckling. I rolled my eyes and turned away from her, my arms crossed over my chest

"Aw, did I upset you? Come on, don't be like that. There will be a time when you get to kill them. All good things come to those who wait." My twin said as she wrapped her arms around from behind, her hands fondling the front of my body.

"Oh, and another thing." She mentioned. "What is it?" I asked, coldly. "I've been thinking about giving a name for myself." She said. "A name?" I repeated, my back still facing her. "Yeah. Instead of calling me 'Twin' or 'She', why don't you give a name so it'll be easier for the both of us?" She suggested. I sighed, annoyed.

"All right, fine. What name do you wanna go by?"

"Hmm.... How about Eun?"


"Yeah. It's your name, spelled backwards. Pretty clever, huh?"

"Yeah, real clever. Can we go now?"

"Sure, Miss Busybody."

She raised her hand to my face and gently tapped my nose with her finger as a small light appeared on it. It got bigger and bright until I closed my eyes.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

My eyes snapped open and I found myself lying in the middle of a forest. I sat up and looked around. "Dammit, where did you put us, Eun? I don't recognize it at all." I mumbled. I stood to my feet and began to walk forward. "Nue... Come on. Where are you? This is starting to get real annoying." Hidan whined in holographic form.

I came to a complete stop as I listened in on their conversation. "Will you knock that off? You've been trying to contact her for the past ten minutes." Kakuzu said, getting annoyed. "I'm just gonna say it right now. She's dead. End of story." Kisame said.

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