Chapter 45: Paying the Price for Reckless Actions

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Nue's POV

The next day, I stayed in my room the whole day. I didn't open the door for anybody because I wanted to be left alone. Megumi came in here a few times, but I got her out by shooting her out of my room. I stared up at my ceiling while I held the doll that Megumi gave me in my hand.

"What do I do? I want to leave, but I also don't want to get punished. Maybe I leave fast enough, Tobi won't catch me. But how fast is he?" I mumbled to myself. I glanced at my door as there a was a knock. "Who is it?" I called.

"It's Kisame. Mind if I come in?" He asked from the other side of the door. "I guess." I said, granting him permission while shrugging my shoulder. Kisame walked in with a tray of food. "I figured you'd be hungry, considering how you haven't eaten for two days." He said.

He set the tray on my desk and I turned on my side, my back facing him. "How are you feeling, by the way? How are your wounds?" Kisame asked. "I'm all healed up, thanks." I answered. We stayed quiet for a while, as if he was expecting me to say more.

"Nue..." Kisame said, finally. "Hmm?" I hummed in response. "Do you regret joining Akatsuki?" He asked. I didn't reply to his answer. "Just leave me alone." I said as I closed my eyes. Kisame sighed. "You should really eat something though." He said before leaving the room.

After he left, I turned my head, looking at the tray of food Kisame brought in. "I'm not hungry." I mumbled before looking back at the wall in front of me. I closed my eyes and I heard a knock at my door. "I already told you, I wanted to be left alone, Kisame." I said.

"Nue... It's me." I glanced near the door, spotting Karin. "Are you alright?" She asked. "More or less... Is there something you wanted?" I asked. "I... was just worried about you." She admitted.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For making you worry about me."

"You have nothing to be sorry for."

I glanced at her again before closing my eyes. "I'll leave you alone for a while." She said before leaving as she closed the door behind her. I placed my hand over Itachi's and Deidara's necklaces I was wearing around my neck and sighed.

"I miss you, guys." I whispered before falling asleep, taking a small cat nap.

For a while, I was undisturbed until Megumi came into my room. "Nue-kun, can you play with me?" She asked. "Go ask someone else." I said as my eyes were closed. "But I already asked everyone in this damn place. None of them will play with me." She whined.

"I wonder why." I mumbled, sarcastically. "Oh, come on, Nue-kun!" Megumi flopped down behind me while rolling around on the bed like a child. "Don't you wanna have a little fun? You've been cooped up in this room for three days now!" She said.

"So?" I said as I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to go back to sleep. "So, do something! Anything!" Megumi practically begged. I ignored her as I tried going back to sleep. Megumi sighed and I felt her sit up.

"I really love your room by the way. It's so romantic." She commented. "There's nothing romantic about it. I only made it this way so I could de-stress." I said. I opened my eyes, knowing I wasn't going to go back to sleep because of her, and sat up.

"Was your bed always this big?" Megumi asked. "No. I used my powers to make it king-sized." I answered. "Ah, okay." She said, understanding. I glanced back at her as she sat on the other edge of my bed while gazing at the ceiling.

"Let me go back to sleep." I said, falling back on my bed while closing my eyes. "You seem stressed." Megumi mentioned as she lied back on my bed as well, our heads next to each other. "I am." I confirmed. "Don't be stressed. You're no fun when you're stressed." She said.

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