Chapter 28: Art vs. Sharingan

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Karin's POV

"Sheesh, and you just let her escape with the body. Some operation you run, Karin. Really impenetrable." Suigetsu said, sarcastically before taking a sip from his water bottle. "Oh, shut up! All you like to do is drink water. I bet you couldn't even stop her!" I snapped at him.

I explained to Sasuke how there was a girl who killed one of the prisoners and took his body away. After picking getting Jugo and explaining that story, Suigetsu was bugging the hell out of me. "What did this girl look like?" Sasuke asked me.

"She had short black hair, red eyes, and some weird looking things on her back." I answered. Now that I think about her, she looks familiar, like we've met before. Actually, I know I've met her before.

"That must've been that Nue girl we ran into, Sasuke. You think she was trying to send a message?" Suigetsu asked. "Possibly. We need to find her. She could have an idea where Itachi might be. Let's split up and ask around town if anyone's seen her or have any information on Itachi." Sasuke said.

"Right." We said in sync. I tried to team up with Sasuke so we could search together, but he nded up turning me down, so I went to search by myself.

Nue's POV

When morning arrived, I washed my face in a nearby lake to wash the dry tear stains off my face, then woke up Deidara and Tobi so we could get a move on. Deidara made two birds appear before us as we had our straw hats on.

"My arm's as good as new again, un." Deidara said, examining his arms. "So, which one are we going for? Sasuke or the Nine-Tails?" Tobi asked. I looked at Deidara for an answer. "Let's see. Which one should we go for?" Deidara wondered.

He grabbed my hand and we hopped on his bird as the bird began to fly towards the sky. "Hey, stop! Wait, Deidara! Wait up!" Tobi called as he jumped on the bird Deidara made for him. I stared straight ahead as we flew through the air.

"You never did answer the question, Deidara. Which one are we going for?" I asked. "You'll see." He said. I sighed and stared straight ahead as I thought about snakes. "I found him, Tobi, un." Deidara informed, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"No kidding? Wow, that was fast. So, which is it? The Nine-Tails or Sasuke?" Tobi asked as he held onto his straw hat.

"What a great opportunity. We'll go and seize it together, un." Deidara said. "So, which is it?" Tobi and I said at the same time. "Just come on." Deidara said and flew faster. "Right." Tobi said as he flew with us. "So, which is it, Deidara?" I asked.

"Don't you worry, kitten. You'll find out when we get there, yeah." Deidara said as he petted my head. "I'm pretty sure I told you not to call me by that name." I reminded him. After flying for a bit longer, we landed in a secluded space.

"I'll catch up with you guys later. You two go on ahead, un." Deidara said. I gave him a nod and he flew off. "Let's go this way, Tobi. I sense someone close by." I informed.

I began to lead the way as Tobi followed. The chakra source was getting stronger the further we walked. No doubt, we were getting close. I grabbed Tobi and hid behind a tree when I saw Sasuke. I narrowed my eyes at him as he walked forward until he turned his head in our direction.

"Show yourself. Who are you?" Sasuke commanded. I sighed in irritation before slapping my hand against my forehead. "What should we do now Nue-chan?" Tobi whispered. "Come on. If he does anything, strike him." I ordered.

Tobi and I stepped out and began to walk towards Sasuke. "I know those robes. You're with..." Sasuke trailed off as he stared at us. "So, you're Sasuke, huh? You really do look just like Itachi." Tobi commented. Sasuke glared at his comment making Tobi jump in fear.

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