Chapter 64: Flashbacks

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I'm fucked!!! I don't know what to do! The war is too damn long and I don't know what to do with Nue! Help me! AAAHHHH!!!!


Okay, now that I'm done ranting, allow me to explain a few things. The next few chapters may be a little shorter or longer than what you're used to, and I apologize for that. But I really want to end this book so I can update my other books. So, just for your information, I will be doing some MAJOR skips in the story.

Also, the next few chapters will involve Nue's flashbacks. Thank you for your patience and for reading the story.


3rd Person's POV

"So, this is what a Nue looks like." Madara said. Obito and Madara stood in front of Nue's tank as she slept peacefully. A few bubbles escaped her mouth while her hair gently floated around her.

"It's hard to believe one still exist after all these years. I've never seen one in person before. I'm surprised you were able to capture her." Madara said. "It wasn't easy. She put up more of a fight than I expected. She also had reinforcements." Obito explained.

"Hmm..." Madara took a step forward and placed his hand over the tank. "When will she awaken?" He asked Obito.

"When you want her to. You have the ability to wake her, but I must warn you that once she's awake, you can't put her back to sleep. After Nue wakes, she'll serve you as her Master. " Obito explained. "Is she any good?" Madara looked at him.

"Of course. She's stronger than any ninja on this earth."

"Any weaknesses?"

"Nue is very vulnerable to Kiragani. It's the only thing capable of harming her."

"Kiragani? So nothing else effects her?"

"Not really. She's able to endure any injury for a while, but she can't heal herself when a weapon is still inside her. Meaning, if she has sword driven through her, she can't heal until that sword is taken out of her."

"What if she somehow manages to get out of my control?"

'In the past, Nue being able to get out of my control was a bit of a problem. But with Madara's power, I don't think she'll be able to get out' Obito thought. "With your power, I doubt that will be a problem. But if that ever does happen, I'd advise you not to trigger her. When she's triggered, she'll become an unstoppable killing machine. In other words, she'll go unstable and will kill anyone and anything in sight." He informed Madara.

"Hmm... Thanks for the head-ups," Madara continued to stare at Nue and her wings and tails twitched slightly. "What can you tell me about her wings and tails?" He asked. "Nue's wings and tails allow her to shield herself from any attack." Obito explained.

"I see," Madara took his hand off the glass and turned around, walking away. "Time to get back to work. I'll awake her when I'm ready." He said. Obito looked at Nue and smirked before leaving the hideout.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

While Nue slept, Kabuto was fighting Itachi and Sasuke while Obito was fighting Kakashi. The real Madara was fighting the other shinobi. While all that was happening, Nue was safely hidden away in the hideout, waiting to be awoken.

Inside Nue's mind, Eun decided to speak for the first time in a while. "Hey," Nue appeared sitting against her cage, both of them back to back. "Do you remember me?" She asked. Nue blinked her eyes before slowly nodding her head. "Your name... is Eun." Nue said.

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