Chapter 67: Nue's Training Pt. 3

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"We're here." Tatsuo informed as they were hovering over the Hidden Waterfall Village. "Ne, Oto-san. You know how we have to go back to the Cloud Village just to visit the Eight-Tails? Why didn't we just stay there so we could get the training over and done with?" Nue asked.

"You were the one who said you want to be trained in order." Tatsuo stated. "You make a fair point." She replied. They landed on the ground and walked towards the building where they would meet the leader of the village.

"Can I help you with something?" A man asked. "We're looking for the leader of this village. We heard his name was Shibuki." Tatsuo explained. "You're speaking to him. What can I help you with?" Shibuki asked. "My name is Tatsuo Houjuu. Beside me, is my daughter, Nue Houjuu." He introduced.

"Houjuu? Ah, so you must be here to see Fū. She's-"

"So cute!"

Nue nearly screamed when she was suddenly swept off her feet. "You're so cute! Look at you! I can't believe you're only three years old! I bet I could put you in my pocket if I really tried!" Fū said, excitedly as she swung Nue around while hugging her close to her chest.

"Can't... breathe..." Nue said, feeling sick from the spinning. "Needless to say, that's Fū. And as you can see, she's really excited to see Nue." Shibuki said. "I look forward to training your daughter, Tatsuo-san!" Fū said, still hugging her close to her chest.

Tiny hearts floated around Fū as she cuddled the little girl. "Please let go." Nue requested.

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"Before we get started, I'd like you to tell me everything about you." Fū said. "Why?" Nue asked. "Oh, come on! Don't look so glum! As teacher and student, I think we should at least learn a little bit of something about each other!" Fū said.

She and Nue were in the training grounds, just talking. Both of them faced each other as they sat on their knees. While they were talking, Tatsuo was in the trees, watching them. Due to Nue's enhancing abilities, he doubt the training would take a month or two.

Nue sighed. "All right. What do you wanna know?" She asked. "Is it true you can fly without using any jutsu? Do you really sleep during the day and act during the night? Are you a vampire? What's your favorite color? Are you sure you're only three years old? You look so much older!"

Fū was asking so may questions, Nue felt like she was being interrogated. "Yes, I can fly without using any jutsu. Yes, I sleep during the day and I'm only active at night. It's called being nocturnal. No, I'm not a vampire. My favorite colors are black, blue, and red. And yes, I'm three years old. Members of my clan look a bit older for our age. For the example, the clan elder is 75 years old, but he looks 24." Nue explained.

"Wow, that's amazing! Hey, because you sleep during the day, does that make you a vampire?" Fū asked, making Nue deadpan. "I just told you, I'm not a vampire!" She said. Fū laughed at Nue's temper. "You're so cute when you get all hostile!" She said.

'Happy-go-lucky much? I can't believe she's the Seven-Tails Jinchuriki. Isn't she a bit young to be a Jinchuriki?' Nue thought. "So, Shibuki tells me you're being trained by all the Tailed Beast Jinchuriki. Which ones have you trained with so far?" Fū asked.

"I've trained with the One-Tail, the Two-Tails, the Three-Tails, the Four-Tails, the Five-Tails, and the Six-Tails." Nue answered. "Wow, that many? So cool! So, why do you wanna become strong, anyway, if you don't mind me asking? You're a bit too young to be handling all that power, don't you think?" Fū asked.

"I'm actually a lot stronger than I look. Trust me, I can handle it. Judging by your appearance, you must be a Chunin, right? I'll do my best to be your perfect student, Fū-sensei." Nue said, bowing her head respectfully. "Actually, I'm a Genin." Fū mentioned.

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