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First part and I think it kinda sucks, but hey I gotta start somewhere.


You were kinda a shy person, more so when dealing with love but your husband was more open and affectionate about it. Sure you do cuddle and kiss Genji like any couple but sometimes you blush while doing it, and it doesn't help when Genji sometimes uses his 'playboy' charm.

Like now.

You were just cooking some dinner when two robotic arms wrapped around your waist. You jumped a little but hearing Genji chucking calmed you down... a bit.

"Genji you scared me! How many times I told you to make a sound when you're near me, or else I'll died of fright."

"Gomen'nasai, but your squeals are very adorable."

Genji nuzzled his face in your neck, you shivered from the coldness of his mask. Genji smirked under his mask. "Oh my beloved I love it when you shiver under my touches.~"

You blush red and yelled. "Genji!"

Suddenly he picked you up and was taking you to the living room. You wiggled a bit. "Genji put me down! The food is going to burn."

"Worry not my love for I already turn the stove off."

Genji placed you on the couch and placed his arms around you. "As much I love you melting under me, I enjoy sitting next to you and snuggling more." You were still blushing but you smile. Placing your head on Genji's shoulder you giggled. "You're such a romantic dork but I love it."

Genji moved his head close to yours. "And I love your bashfulness, you're pure like an angel and I love you."


Both you and Hanzo are very serious and formal, but between you two Hanzo's a cuddler surprising. Even since you two were young teens Hanzo will always cuddle or hold you in his arms, even after steamy activities.

And today you really need one of them. You were walking to your two shared room at Overwatch, tears down your face. You see today you find that your aunt Mileena was killed, sure she's was crazy but she was like a second mother to you. Now you're the only surviving member of your family.

Walking into the room you saw Hanzo checking his arrows. He immediately saw you and was about to smile, but he saw your tears. "Watashi no saiai no ōjo what is wrong? Did someone hurt you?"

You sat next to him and shake your head. "No i-it's just...I been informed t-that my aunt Mileena was k-killed." You burst out crying, Hanzo rubbed your back to comfort you. He knew how hard this is for you, first you lost your parents when you were 13 now you're alone. Hanzo hugged you close and whispered things to comfort you. Snuggling into his chest, you took in his heat and listened to his heartbeat, and it calmed you.

Hanzo soon lay you on the bed and he hold you close, giving kisses and cuddles. You smile a bit and kiss him.

"Thank you Hanzo."

"Anything to make you smile, my love."


Okay you and your husband are the cute, affectionate, cuddly (and sometimes gross) old couple. You both don't mind PDA (Public Displays of Affection) and everybody know it.

Today you were at Overwatch visiting Reinhardt, since you're not a part of the team because you're not a fighter. His team won today's rounds and he was happily telling you what happened. You two were in the lounge and were cuddling next to each other.

"And then I pinned him until we reached a cliff. I managed to stop in time and watch as he fell." He laughed and said more funny things but you stopped him.

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