New Husbandos

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NEW CHARACTERS! YAY! Ok right now I'm kinda low on ideas so if you have an ideas/request don't be scared to ask in the comments.~ BTW on the next part will have munchkins.~




Time together is a bit hard for you and Lucío since both of you are busy with your careers. Then there's Overwatch but you support it which made you gain a bit more hate. Like there's a difference, people hate you just because you're a Vocaloid, a singing cyborg or with some of your friends a robot. Due to the Omnic Crisis your family had mixed feelings from the public when you guys started.

Lucío didn't care and despite gaining some hate and criticism he married you. Which you can never love him more and you try to show it, like today. Lucío was on tour and since you are also an artist and his wife, you went with him. After a concert Lucío crashed on the couch in the dressing room.

"Anjo how do you do it? I mean after one concert I'm tired but you go for loooong time!"

You sat at the vanity and fixed your hair. "A benefit of being a cyborg, plus as a Vocaloid you must endure almost everything."

Lucío chuckled. "They sure taught you a lot.... maybe I should became one."

You sat next to him. "Sorry Lu but cyborg and robots only, humans just ruin the special oid part."


You lay next to him, holding Lucío close. "But you can be my special human.~" Lucío smile. "And you're my special oid."


You were on the phone with your parents since they help you find a hideout for your crazed love and his bodyguard. It was in Germany and you guys were on a destructive run when the police chase you three.

"Yea Daddy it's alright but could use more guns and beer."

"Haha you're definitely mine and not from your mom's one night stands and parties."

"Johnny shut da fuck up! You know I only want you to be my baby daddy!"

"Yea sure tell that to Pierce and Matt!"

"It was one time! Beside it was before we started fucking!"

You sigh as your parents started to yell at each other, that you have to move the phone away.

"Boss I ain't calling you hoe just you're like old Shaundi!"

"So a hoe!"

"Sheila is that your parents? Tell them I say hi!"

But gunshots were heard from the phone, so you just hang up. Roadhog was making tea in the kitchen and stared at you.


"Yea I agree with you Hog but that how they talk, and show love to each other."

You jumped on the couch and landed next to Junkrat. You started to cuddled the hell out of him, which caused him to smile. "And this is how me and Junkie show love to each other.~"

Roadhog just grunted and continue with his tea. You lay your head on Junkrat's shoulder, careful of his fiery hair, as he lean against your head. Junkrat sigh happily. "You know love this is nice. Being in a hideout away from hundreds of police, who are viciously hunting for us. And I'm cuddling with my lovely sheila watching the news show our crimes."

You nodded. "Right? This is so romantic. Like our dates, remember when we rob that huge bank and the owner shrieked like a little bitch and pissed himself."

"Hahahaha! That was so funny because you just pointed a gun in his face! That's why I love you."

Kisses <3


You guys were performing at King's Row in England. You dancing and singing while Lucío was making the beats. You were singing your most popular song which what got you to be famous like your fellow Vocaloids. In costume with backup dancers, who were your fellow Vocaloids.

"It's Friday night let's hit the floor - I'm going crazy. 'Cause sitting home when I'm alone is doing nothing for me. I've had my time, I've had my fix - I want another. I've got this feeling, makes me sweat - that you're not like the others!"

You moved around the stage, people screaming and moving to the beat. You then walk over to Lucío and dance with him.

"Don't you wanna be high? Don't want to say goodbye. Just stay with me tonight don't need commitment - do me right! Tell me why you're so shy?"

You two dance closer. "You're just my kind of guy! That likes their beats hard style - so work it for me!"

Lucío follow you and then you two lean in to kiss. Everyone cheered and you held him close.

"Keep on dancing! Put your hands up! Don't stop moving! Buddy!" You kiss him again and sing with a smile. "You know that all bad girls want a party junkie!~<3"



You scoffed at the police officer, you hate them with a passion. Raising your AK-47 at them, you begin shooting scaring them. "Like hell we are!"

Roadhog and Junkrat were busy getting the money. It was your job to scare the hostages and police, and steal some more. They can hear the police screaming, Junkrat laughed.

"They shouldn't anger devil, now they're dead."


"Yea but that's what I love about her."

"Hurry boys cause the manhunt is not too far away!"

You kick the bodies away and glare at the hostages. "Now if you scream I'll bust a cap on your ass!" Everyone nodded. Soon Roadhog and Junkrat appear with bags of money, then you guys ran outside. You saw no one and quickly you broke into a van by smashing the windows, the boy jumped in. You hot wire it and quickly begin driving.

"Boy sheila that was a ripper bank heist!"

You smirked. "Not yet flamehead, I still got a gift for the five-O." You put out a tigger with a button on top of it, and you pressed it. Soon a huge explosion with dust and objects flying everywhere from the bank... or where it once stood. Junkrat had his mouth gaping wide at the scene.

"Planted explosives when you and Hog were drilling into the vault."

Suddenly Junkrat jumped on you and kissed you making you let go of the wheel in surprise. You guys almost crashed but Roadhog grabbed the wheel. Junkrat moved away and had a huge smile. "That's why I love you so much devil, you understand me so well!"



His: Superstar, DJ, cutiepie, Lu, Jay bird

Yours: Anjo (angel), muse, minha estrela (my star), nightingale


His: Flamehead, Junkie, crazy, hot stuff, Jamie, Pudding/Puddin'

Yours: Sheila, love, dangerous, firecracker, devil

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