First Meeting Pt 2

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He was on a mission for Blackwatch since Overwatch heard stories about a powerful witch. Hoping for her help, they sent McCree to recruit her. Problem is there isn't a lot of information on her. Only name, encounters, stories, and the leftovers of her fights. McCree knew he had long way to go to find her. Currently he was in Las Vegas since she was spotted there, he was at a casino enjoying the games.

“Hey brat what are you doing!? We're on a mission, it's not fucking play time!”

Jesse chuckled as he was on a slot machine. “Oh come on jefe, we're in Sin City and you expect me not to sin a little.~” Gabriel glared at him but Jesse payed no mind as he got anything on the machine.


“Hey kid you better find that witch or so help me--”

“Yea yea calm down jefe. I'll find her don't worry go drink or something.”

Gabriel mumbled but left. McCree sigh. “Hope she's worth all the trouble… maybe she's a cute witch.~” He chuckled at the thought and continued playing.

*Time Skip*

He lost so much money that he even used some of Blackwatch’s budget. He was currently playing poker hoping to earn some back.

“Excuse me is that seat taken?”

He turned and saw a tall woman, she had a (f/c) form fitting dress. With lovely (h/c) hair, mischievous (e/c) eyes, and an amazing body. In all she was drop dead gorgeous, like she's supernatural

Jesse jaw dropped at awe making you giggle. “Cat got your tongue, handsome.~” Jesse blushed and lowered his hat to cover his face. “A-ah no…. U-uh to answer your q-question before, i-it’s free.” You sat down next to him and got some cards.

“(Y/n) Redgrave.”

Jesse looked at you. “Huh?” You giggled. “(Y/n) Redgrave is my name handsome, and yours?~” Jesse blushed. “J-Jesse… Jesse McCree.” You smile. “The famous outlaw of the Deadlock gang? Nice to meet you, you know I'm also a fellow six-shooter myself.” Jesse looked at his cards and raised a brow. “Really now? A beauty like you doesn't look like a fighter.”

You smirked. “I'm full of surprises cowboy.” You dropped your cards and everyone groan. “Five of a kind, I win.” You grabbed all the money including Jesse’s, mad everyone left but Jesse. You push the money towards him. “Here I don't want it, I have enough cash already. Plus I saw your jefe yelling at you earlier, you need this more than me.” Jesse was shocked and was about to speak when.

“(Y/n)-zita where are you! Come on don't be like your mother!”

You sigh it was your dad, he always worried for you despite you being like your mother. “Look I gotta go and nice talking to you, maybe we can get to know each other in a more “private” way.~” You winked at him leaving him red, and walked away. Jesse shook his head and smile.

“Have mercy, she's something.”

Soldier 76:

It was freezing and windy, Jack groan. “Tell me why again I'm in Alaska during a fucking snowstorm?”

“Because due to Colonel Campbell and some others have inform us about Snake’s whereabouts. They say she's here but be careful Jack she's rumored to be very skilled.”

Jack smirked. “Yea I heard but let's see how skilled she is when she's up against a super soldier.” Jack hanged up on his communicator and kept driving his snowmobile until he reached the coordinations sent by the UN. He saw a really nice log home.

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