Meeting the boyfriend/girlfriend Pt 1

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Remember in the last part I said the next chapter will be sad?

Well I had troubled doing it and my mind wandered off to do another part but again I had writer's block. So I did this instead wanting more of a light heart feel plus you guys did request this. Plus I sorry if this sucks I feel I wasn't very funny or amusing in this one. And the kids are now older too in this one.

Well enjoy anyways!~

I'll add the rest later. Plz wait.


As being a former womanizer and playboy Genji was very very protective of his daughter since he knew how bad boys can be. He was a bit protective with his son too since Genji met some crazy bitches in his old life, but left interrogating the poor girl to you. When he finds out any boy had an interest in his little girl he'll scared them off but he did it without the poor soul knowing it was him. So his ninja skills help him a lot to scare the suitor but one day he met his match.

It was during his day off from Overwatch when Sakura brought her boyfriend over to meet him. She said he was a new student and since she's one of the tops of her school she was his guide, and that he was a famous guy. Genji already had his sword and shurikens out when she went to get the boy. He was in his armor too to scare the boy even more.

"Papa! Here's my boyfriend!"

Sakura happily pulled her boyfriend in the room. Genji was a bit shocked to see who he is.

"Wait you're Kakyoin Noriaki! You're an actor from that anime JoJo's Bizarre Adventures!"

The redhead boy was equally as shocked. "And you're Genji from Overwatch!" The two turn to Sakura and yell at the same time.

"Why didn't you tell me you're dating Kakyoin Noriaki"

"Why didn't you tell me your dad is Genji!"

Sakura shrugged. "I didn't think it be important. Kak you won't believe me if I told you plus it's to protect me so bad guys can't get me. Papa you'll think I was lying if I told you. So that's why I wanted to you two to meet, so be nice boys I'll be with mama helping with dinner!~" Like that Sakura walked away leaving the two alone. Genji and Kakyoin were staring at each other before Genji broke the silence.

"So aren't you going to introduce yourself? Why don't you bow and be respectful?"

Kakyoin frown. "I don't bow sir. I think respect should be earn and I have too much pride to bow especially to someone like you. You may be from Overwatch and a hero but who knows what you're really like?" Kakyoin smirked. "I'm much better than that sir." Genji was shocked no man before has stand up to him before they mostly shake and say only good things. Genji smile under his mask. "Is that so? Well said the red head that's not in Part 4, but I heard the rest of your friends are in the others parts or in movies. Even that old man Joseph has won awards and you have?..."

Genji smirk widened while Kakyoin had an irk smile. Yes his costars went to continued to do shows and movies while he wanted to have a normal life again.

"Why none sir but it doesn't matter since I care not about that. I rather live a normal life I use to have instead of having a stressful one I think you should know that. I must admit I support Overwatch and I am a fan of yours but I will not back down because you're my girlfriend's father."

Genji was impressed that Kakyoin wasn't an ass kisser and he's standing his grounds. "Even if I have my sword with me? What if I strike you right now?" Kakyoin smirked. "You wouldn't dare. Sakura cares much about me and I know you love her dearly you wouldn't dare make her sad. She's a sweet and compassionate girl she cares for others, and that's why I love her. When I arrive at school I was nervous that people will hound me and only care since I'm an actor, but when she came in the room instantly light up and had a calming feel. As she help me around I found her a smart and beautiful girl, she did what no has... treat me as a normal person not like some god on a pedestal. She sees me as the video game nerd who's the honor student that enjoys art. She sees the real me and I'll take whatever to get you to like me for her stake."

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