When you're jealous part 2

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You don't get jealous, you know Jack loves you and will never cheat on you. You felt that getting jealous was pointless and dumb.

“Oh hello Ana, how are you?”

You know what, screw that. You do get jealous especially if it's Ana, you kinda hate her… no it's more of a slight dislike. Yes she's still your teammate and she had your back and you with her’s, but you didn't like how close she is to Jack.

She smiled at Jack and waved. “Oh hello Jack, (Y/n)!”

You have a small wave as she approached. Ana smile at you. “Oh (Y/n) I heard an old flame visited you.~” You chuckled a little. “It was nothing like that, he's was here since it's been a long time we talk.” Ana laughed.

“Oh yes of course. I must say you have such handsome lovers, Myron, Hal, Jaeger, and now Jack.”

Jack blushed. “Come on Ana I'm not a real looker. I'm full of scars and aggressive.”

“Exactly a charmer who's rough around the edges. If (Y/n) wasn't your wife then I would've had a shot.” She and Jack laughed, but you glared. Sure she's was joking but it was a secret fear of yours that one day Jack will leave you for another woman, especially Ana. Yet you couldn't blame him, Ana was human and she could give Jack anything. Like affection, attention, and kids all without trouble... and without a genetic freak for a wife.

You grabbed Jack's hand and give Ana a small smile. “Ha ha yes that's so funny but me and Commander must go. Tell Fareeha we say hi.” You pulled Jack away as Ana was like “Oh okay…” You mumbled. “Damn jealousy.”

Jack heard and smile. “Heh that's so cute, my beautiful dove is jealous.” You pulled Jack's hand more harshly making him wince. Jack chuckled a bit in amusement and in pain. “Don't worry sweetheart, I will always love you.”

“Good because I already searched up all of Ana’s history and was ready to leak everything to the public.” Jack had a sweatdrop and nervously chuckled. “Ha ha you and your spying ways.”


You may be the sweetest woman at Overwatch but everyone has their dark side. It didn't help either that you're one bright scientist, so you can hide the murder easily.

You and Papí Mexico were at Overwatch with your kids. You were showing them your studies while Gabriel had a new recruit to train.

“Oh mama that's so cool!”

Selena watched as you made a bomb that makes a black hole, destroying everything near it. You giggled and took off your safely goggles. “I know! But it be better in action.”

“Can we!”

“Like yea we can! Go grabbed your brother.” Selena ran over to her little brother, who was sleeping on some blankets and jackets on a couch. She gently woke him up, he was cranky but after saying “Mama is going to destroy some things!” He lighten up and went with you.

You guys went to the target range and saw Gabriel there training the new rookie, it look like she was having trouble shooting making Papí Mexico a bit annoyed.

“No you hold it like this!”

He moved behind the rookie and had his hands over hers, he moved her to the right position. You kinda glared at her since she's blushing and it looked intimate. You put on a smile and yelled.

“Oh babe!~”

Gabriel looked over and smile a little. “Hola baby, brats.” The kids ran over and cling themselves to Gabriel’s legs, he moved making the rookie a bit sad. He gently rubbed their heads. “Now why are two brats of mine here?”

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