First Time (Lemon Warning)

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You were so nervous, it was your wedding night and the night you lose your innocence to Genji. You were in the bathroom getting ready while Genji waited on the bed. Genji rented a really expensive cottage in Japan for the honeymoon. You were scared that you weren't good in bed since Genji did sleep with a lot of girls, you only got to kissing and heavy touching with Ryu but that's all. You sigh and put on your sexy lingerie and whip, but hey if you're going to lose your virginity you're going to do it your way.

Genji was waiting on the bed a bit nervous. He was worried that you wouldn't want him if you see his whole body or maybe he lost his touch, and you're be disappointed. He went to Angela and Winston’s wife for some upgrades for his body, all to please his wife. He gave himself a pep talk.

“Come on Genji. You can do it! I had sex before now all I have to use that experience.” Yeah that's it he’ll use his mastery of the intimacy!

Then when you appeared in a sexy lingerie and crack your whip, Genji was already turn on. “Listen koishī I'm losing my virginity to you but we're doing my way, then again you like it when I'm dominant.~”

Genji simply nodded. You smile and in a seductive voice said. “Now be a good boy and stand against the wall.~”

Genji quickly did what you said, you walked to him and felt his muscular chest. Genji groan at your touch you smirked then you a quick kiss. “We can stop if this is too much for you, just say the word.” Genji shook his head. “No this is so hot, if it's too much I'll say Venomania.” You smile at the safeword, after that popular Vocaloid song about lust how ironic. “Well if that's the case than heel Sparrow.” You use the whip hitting Genji on his chest, he groan/hissed in pleasure and pain. “Count!”

“O-one.. Two!... T-threeEEe!... Four… f-FiiIIve!”

You stopped and it was obvious Genji was aroused. He was panting hard and you could see a tent in his pants. You dropped the whip and got close to him. “Good boy~ Now let me help with that.~” You kissed him deeply to which Genji happily reciprocated as you move your hands to his pants. Genji moan as you began to stroke his member, Goddamn in public you're a sweet and shy woman… But in the bedroom you're a seductive mistress. To your surprise his dick felt warm and lifelike, honestly you were expecting a robotic one or something. You kept stroking him until Genji whimpered.

“A-ah~ Aijin I-I’m close!”

You stopped much to his dismay. “Let's take this to the bed.” Genji happily followed you and got on top of you. “Now you do me.~” Genji happily obliged and smirked. “Of course Aijin.” He removed your garments and kissed and suck your neck, as his touch all over body. He whispered of how lovely you are and how lucky to have you, and he's willing to please his love. His hand wander to your womanhood, then inserted three right off the bat. You moan and praised Genji making him quite pleased. Then he pumped them but you also felt some vibrations.

Genji saw your surprised looked. “Don't worry Aijin I had some modifications just to please you.”

Genji increasing his thrusts sending you in a frenzy of pleasure, especially with the vibrations. You moan loudly.

“G-Gen I-I'm about to--”

“Just go head Aijin, I want to see your lewd face.~”

You came on his vibrating fingers then Genji pulled out his hand and used his tongue. You mewl as Genji lick all your juices. “You taste divine love.” Then he pulled away and pulled out his member. You saw it was huge and blushed. “Now it will hurt for a minute so forgive me Aijin.”

In one thrusted he penetrated your virgin walls, it hurt but not as much you thought. Genji have slow thrusts until you said so, soon the dull pain turned to pleasure. You moaned.

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