Halloween! Part 2

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Soldier 76

When you arrived at the party, you made jaws dropped. You were the famous exotic dancer and spy, Mata Hari dressed in belly dancer attire. People were surprised that you, the cold woman who wears nothing but sneaking suits, is wearing such a revealing costume. Jack was especially and thought you look pretty hot since it showed off your athletic body.

Sirenum kept talking to you. “My my the Snake has such a wonderful body. You know since you're great with many weapons especially guns and beautiful, you could be a Umbra Witch.”

You chuckled. “Yea maybe but one problem I don't have magical powers like you. So I'm stuck as a spy and mercenary, like the rest of my family.”

You sigh since your family died by your hands. Eli and George betraying you and so you were forced to kill them, killing your dad’s body double, then finally killing your old man. Only your mom's left but she's hiding and you have no idea where's she is.

Jack place his arm on your shoulder. “Came on dove, I know you miss them dearly but you're better than them. You saved thousands and millions, changed people for the better, and inspire thousands that hope exist.”

You smile. “Yea okay, thanks Evel Knievel. Now go jump over a cliff or something.”

“I can't cause there's a alluring dancer right here and I rather be a daredevil somewhere else?~”

Sirenum giggled. “Jack! Naughty, there's little monsters around.” You three shared a laughed and not noticing a box creeping closer.


Sirenum jumped and gave a little shriek and she turned around to see George popped out a cardboard box. She gave a glare but smiled. “Such a rude thing to scare an angel. I could've been scared to down below, but impressive scared little spy.”

George frowned a little. “Hey I'm not a little spy I'm Big Boss, one of the greatest heroes ever like my mama!”

“Oh I'm sorry I mean Big Boss. Still impressive maybe you're going to be the next Snake?” George's eyes or eye since he has an eyepatch sparkled but you shake your head. “No my little man is not going to be a cursed Snake. He can be a commander like Jack but not a Snake.” You didn't want your precious baby to suffer the pain of being a Snake, like the rest of the family and you.

George was a bit sad but he knew when his mother says no it's for a good reason, at least he can still be a hero like his parents.

“Okay mama but I want to be just as great as you and dad someday!”

Jack chuckled and kneel to George's height. “And you will be soldier and you're be the new face of Overwatch instead my old face and your mother's.” George smiled and couldn't wait, but now he's happy of dressing up one like his grandpa and admiring his cool family.

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