Christmas Pt3

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“Move bitch get out the way!!!”

You roughly push a woman out of your way as you carry a giant sack of toys and some cool stuff from the amusement park. It was Christmas and you and Junkie decided to do some late stealing, and Roadhog too.

Some of the security guards try to get you and Hog but you pull out your D4TH Blossom and begin shooting at them. “Hey I'm a mom making a difference!” Hog pushed you forward since Jamie is waiting in the getaway car, impatiently.

He honked. “Devil! Hog! Hurry up!!!” Jamie kept hitting the horn. You did a cool jump and landed in the shotgun seat while Roadhog just threw himself in the back.

You yelled. “Gass it hot stuff!”

Jamie floored it and you guys left the park, then Jamie laughed and pull out a trigger to his bombs. He press it and you saw a huge explosion from the park.

“Let's give him a niiiiiiccceee surprise!” He did his famous laugh and you couldn't help and laugh as well.

You lay your head on his shoulder as Jamie kept driving. “I can't wait for John to see his presents.” Jamie nodded. “Yea that lil’ ankle bitter is going to love his gifts. After all his old man and mum will steal the world just to see his smile.”


After Mako returned from his last minute “shopping”, he dressed up as a reindeer for the kids. Gat and Jamie stole their son tons of toys and clothes and little John was laughing and squealing. Mako got his piglets wonderful gifts.

“Holy cow! Hello Neighbor the Game thanks dad!”

*Gasp* A copy of (V/n)’s dress from Bad End Night! Thank you daddy!”

“Oh my god! A replica of Doomfist, thanks dad!”

Roadhog threw the bag he stole to his troublesome trio. “The rest is yours. Merry Christmas tamariki!” The teenagers cheered and gave Roadhog hugs and kisses, then gave him their own gifts and said Merry Christmas to their family before enjoying their gifts. You smile and kiss Mako’s cheek. “What a wonderful father you are, Mako. Glazed Ham?”

Roadhog took the ham and removed his mask, and begin to chomp down. “Delicious.”

“Thank you, eat all you want dear cause I made tons of food and still warm.” He finished it in no time and sigh in relief. “Your cooking is always great… oh here.”

He pulled out a different sack from his side of his chair. “These are for you.” You looked inside and saw jewelry, shoes, cute stuff, and...

“They have lingeries at amusement parks?”

“It at the back of some stores, now they have adults only stores.”


“Dante! Takara! Put on your big coats!”

Takara shook her head. “No! If you and Tyson don't wear one then we don't, especially mama and papa!” Genos could strangled his younger siblings. They're so stubborn and acting bratty especially since they don't want to wear coats since no one else is.

“It's because we're robotic and the cold doesn't affect us since we can regulate own body's temperature. Plus you two are humans and you could die! Do you want to die? Is that it, well if you want mother and father to get two dead children for Christmas then be my guest.”

The kids were silent before almost started crying  but they put on their coats. Genos helped them and try to quiet them down. “Hey, stop crying. Look I didn't mean it! I was joking, look if two stop then I'll tell you were mother and father hid the presents.”

Dante and Takara stopped crying immediately. “Really? But mama said it was Santa who bring gifts.”

Genos curse under his breath. “Uh he came early and told mama to hide them.” The kids went ohhhh! And promised to stopped crying and Genos told them where the presents are, under Uncle Mondatta’s statue. The kids ran off to get them passing you and Zeny.

“Oh my what got them so excited?”

Zenyatta shrugged as he continued to float the snowballs. Genos came out smiling. “They went to get the presents under Uncle Mondatta.”

Zenyatta turn to him. “Coats.”


“Oh yes such stubborn they are, nice one telling them of Mondatta. Luckily the gifts are in our room, that be the last place they check.” You giggled since the kids will spend hours looking. You hug Genos. “Aww my baby boy is so smart! Here buy yourself something nice.” You pulled out $300 out of your pocket and gave it to Genos, who was shocked and accepted it.

Suddenly Tyson appear in a cloud of smoke.

“You know mama you have another baby boy. And I was a very good boy this year, mommy.”

Tyson pulled a baby face but you knew better.

“Oh but that fire incident at Hanamura says otherwise or that chemical accident with Lewis’ mother.”

“Ok ok, but I try mom gave me that.”

“The best I can do is $200.”

Tyson took the money. “I take it!”

Then one of the Omnic monks came in. “Brother Zenyatta, Sister (Y/n) come down there's a giant castle out of snow.” You all including the kids who kept searching for the presents. And holy crap it is a snow castle and it has slides, aw so that's what that Kuai Liang was here. After course no wonder Genji helped you guys decorated the temple not only for Christmas but for also his wedding anniversary.

You guys enjoyed the castle and the rose sculpture, in all Nepal was having a festival night.

Until Tyson and Genos used their fire powers while fighting on the slide causing it to melt.


“Fuck mom’s mad Gen bro let's book it!”


“Maybe they're late cupcake?” You put the tukey down on the table. Lewis had the lights hanging around the lab, Vixen finished setting the plates.

“But she's never late before but maybe she is.” Winston looked around the lab, it was beautifully decorated. You and Vixen were wearing the dresses he brought, heck even Lewis clean himself up he looks like a complete different person. He was wearing dress shirt and pants with black shoes, totally out of his character. He has family with him and it filled him with joy.

You guys pass the time by opening some gifts while waiting for Tracer and her ‘roommate’ Emily, but it was getting late.

Winston sigh. “Well, I guess there's no point in waiting… Here's goes nothing.” He turn on the lights and everything bright up. You and the kids were at all awe at the sight, this is the kids’ third Christmas but they're always blown away. Christmas was their favorite holiday since it was full of peace and joy.

Athena engage in party mode which her logo gets a Santa hat and it's snowing in the background. You all share a laugh then.

“There's someone at the door.”

Winston went to get it and it was Tracer and Emily. You guys happily welcomed them and begin the feast. You guys shared laughs and merriment, Christmas is pretty a cool holiday.

Merry Christmas everyone and a happy New Year!!!

Thanks for 100 followers!!! May you guys have a wonderful life and may you have the strength to actually to you guys’ new year's resolutions, cause I never do.


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