Tag and Yanderes?

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Hey guys what is up?

I'm so happy that many are enjoying my story, it makes me so happy! So thanks everyone. I have 2 things to say 1. I got tag awhile ago by someone I forget their name (sorry person) and was busy to do this sorry person. 2. I had had an interesting topic I want you guys to hear ang gave your opinion on.

But first the tag!

Tagged by...... Person (sorry I forgot your name)

1. Do you have a crush?

Not at the moment but I have tons of husbandos, does that count?

2. Middle Name?

I like to be private and not share a lot of stuff about me, but I let you know it starts with a T.

3. Height?

I actually don't know I think 5'4 or 5'5. I just know I'm a shortie.

4. Shoe size?

Creeper much? But K I'm a size 5 in women.

5. Eye color?

Again creeper much? Brown.

6. Last time you cried?

Last year and a couple months ago. Reason: personal.

7. Biggest fear?

I would say spiders and heights but deep down I fear of not being loved and death.

8. Last song you listened to?

Housewife Radio

I recommend listening to Ghost and their communications series and other talented Vocaloid producers. Cool song and story can't wait for case 2.

9. Last person you texted?

My dad he needed something.

10. Favorite app?

YouTube, Wattpad, Music, Pinterest, Ifunny. Sorry can't choose one.

Tag time!!!!

Anyone who wants to. I don't like to force anyone to do this unless they wanna.

Okay now the topic. You guys already know hence the title.

Yes Yanderes!

Okay I had this idea in my fucked head for awhile but wasn't sure to do it. So I'm asking you guys if want that and if y'all want to also gave ideas on the yanderes like what will they do (or the reader since I will do one for the reader as well) or scenarios.

Ex: Reaper getting jealous since the reader moved on and is dating a guy. Reaper goes insane and kill new bf.


Reader is jealous of Genji's many lovers and kills them one by one so Genji can depend only on the reader.

Or something like that so you have an idea put it in the comments. I like reading them and I might use it or use it as inspiration. Who knows? Anyways the yanderes will not be canon, more like special chapters.

So thoughts?

Okay so yanderes with some bit of lemons?....... Or is it too much? I might have some have some lemons.

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