🎃*Halloween Special Reinhardt's Part*👻

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Sorry for not updating for a while I'm busy with my job, I have two days off this week. Last week I had three but spend working on two of those three since people were a no show. So updates on all my stories will take longer. So all not the chapters will be ready before Halloween like my goal but I will still post all them even after halloween.

You were dress in a lovely (f/c) gown since tonight the local lord is having a ball to celebrate his son recent victory of defeating monsters. All the nobles and people with significance are invited, like your father the general of Adlersbrunn. Another reason was so the young lord can find a bride since his father is getting older by the day. Your cousin was so excited to go and with all out in order to catch the young Lord's eyes.

She wore a gown of white and blue that had jewels around the trims. She even had a brooch with the symbol of Prussia, she laughed proudly. Your gown had a ribbons around the trim and had sleeves that hang off your shoulder and tied to your chest with one diamond in the center. Yes it's simple for noble ladies standards but it was your mother's so it's fine for you.

“Kesese behold the already magnificent me is more magnificent! By the end of tonight I will be the Young Lord's Reinhardt bride!”

Julchen twirl in her gown as you smile, happy for her. You just wanted to go since you love dancing and meeting new people, you're very social which why many are surprised to found out you're the daughter of the too serious General Beilschmidt. Your father says you're exactly like your late mother, so caring and a social butterfly. Your uncle didn't mind if your cousin is trying to woo the young lord unlike your father who say that the young lord better not for no man, royal or not, is good enough for you.

“Julchen! (Y/n)! Let's goooooo!~ West is already red like a kid's ass that Krampus swatted!”

You and Julchen laugh while you hear your dad from the carriage yelled at his brother. “Nein! That's not true! Plus you should know since Krampus always swat your ass, you troublemaking bastard!” Then Ludwig stomped into the house. “Mädchens in the carriage now! We're late to the ball danke to blödmann Gilbert!” You and Julchen quickly went to the carriage as Ludwig scolded Gilbert. After a few more minutes the two military men enter the carriage and sat across their daughters.

“Driver geh jetzt bitte.”

The carriage went off. On the way to the castle some villagers saw the noble carriage of the General and Kommandant and wave at them, the men smile and return the gesture. You and Julchen saw some men happily waving and smiling to you two. You being the polite girl wave back with a small smile while Julchen just smirk and look away. Being daughters of noblemen and from a long long of noble soldiers it was natural to have many men to want your or your cousin hand in marriage. You always decline since you believe people should marry out of love not for alliances or wealth, Julchen thought she was too good for them and wish to marry the young lord. Ludwig saw the men and poke his head out glaring at the men who immediately sunk under the icy stare and ran off terrified. Gilbert laugh at his brother protectiveness since he let Julchen court who ever she wish cause in the end she's happy.

The carriage reach the impressive castle of Adlersbrunn. A servant open the door and your father and uncle help you and Julchen out respectively. Then you two walk to the ball, you can hear the orchestra play lovely music and the chatter of many. Honestly this isn't the first time you visit the castle, you been here a few times since you accompany your father to meetings and balls. Like your mother you have a gift in medicine and try to help many in your village. Julchen was a soldier and a good one so she too been here and how she fell for the young lord when she saw him at a ball for the first time. When you all enter the ballroom a servant announced your family.

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