When they propose to you Pt 3

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Sorry for the long wait. I was kinda stuck and I wanted to published my Mortal Kombat Husband Scenarios and finish First Meetings since that was the most voted and tied with another scenario which I'm currently writing. So I watched some YouTube videos to get inspired sorry if this is short.
BTW the next scenario will be depressing and sad just giving y'all a heads up.


Mako wanted to make his proposal to you be special so he handmade it. Your family always teased you two of getting married that your mom even mention you two should go have babies much to your embarrassment. So when Mako actually asked for their blessings they immediately said yes, and already were planning the wedding and birth of your two children. When they asked on how he'll pop the question Mako said don't worry about it, but it be during a dinner with the family.

Mako actually spent weeks on making a wooden jewelry armoire for you. He did all himself and with his own hands. When he was done with the armoire he filled each drawer of your favorite things. Then he set up the dinner, he called your family over and told you of the family dinner.

“Oh? And what's the occasion my beloved?”

“Just thought it be nice to see them again and eat like a family.”

You smile. “Oh pitbull you're so sweet! Always about family I swear you're be a great father one day.” Mako chuckled. “Only if you're the mother, I can never see myself having children with no other woman.” You blushed but felt happy by his words. Mako told you to get ready since your family will be in the house you and Mako lived togther in a hour or so.

As you dressed nicely Mako moved the armoire to the living room and made sure everything was in place including the ring in it's box in the last drawer. He placed a blanket on top of it to cover it.

When your family arrived Mako told them of his surprise and they all agreed to keep quiet. When you came downstairs your family happily greet you and you all had a fun dinner. Then Mako said he has a surprise for you and it's in the living room. You walked in and saw a blanket covering something. Your family had their phones out and your mom was recording with a camera. Mako smile. “Well take the blanket off dear.”

You removed the blanket and saw the beautiful jewelry armoire. You gasp. “Oh Mako thank you! You brought this?” Mako shook his head. “No I made it for you. Spent weeks working on it now open the drawers top from bottom.” You feeling giggly did and open the top drawer and saw a mirror in there. “Mako it's so pretty!” Mako said keep going, in the first drawer you saw a box of your favorite snack. Your family took pictures and Mako urge you on. The second drawer had beautiful earrings you squeal as your mom looked in. “They're beautiful Mako.” Your mom said, Mako smile. “Only the best for Toku Hari.”

You kept opening each drawer to find more gifts. Your favorite book, candies, cake mix, and cute plushies. You were so happy and kept thanking Mako for everything but he shrugged it off and said his love deserved the best. Then you open the last drawer and saw a cute dress and you pulled it out. Your mom squeal. “Oh sweetie that's a cute dress!” You put the dress in front of you as your siblings took pictures.

Mako tap your shoulder. “Precious there's still one more gift left.” Your eyes sparkled. “Really?” You checked the last drawer again and saw some tissue paper wrappers in it.

You removed the wrappers and saw a small black box. You grabbed it and open it to see a sliver ring with a pink jewel in a shape of a heart. It had small diamonds around the heart. You cover your mouth and you were speechless. Mako grabbed the box and kneel down.

“Beautiful I love you very much and I want you at my side forever. I want you to be my wife so will you marry me?”

You shook your head yes and started crying. Mako hold you close as you cry into his chest as your family cheered and took pictures. Mako kissed the top of your head.

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